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Trials punk 182 ? Thescientist ? Inur ? Sponge ? Anzo ? Jon mack ?

Just a few as examples, people that contribute not only humor, but help and knowledge to the forum, i'm not saying that the way TF is run is atm is wrong, just it would be nice to have some more Sm :)

Edit: I also think that neputism (sp?) May play a big part in whether some one is made senior or not :-




I said this a few days ago...

The problem with the SM system at the mo is that other SM's vote people to become SM's. It's a silly way of doing it because the same type of people all end up as SM. Hence why (for example) it's difficult to name any SM's who ride mods. (Yes there are some but you get my point.)

A better system would be to let the members vote in new SM, and vote them out also.

I personally think most of the SM deserve to be there, people like bongo and heatsink etc. But a year back no one would ever say 'some SM's post shit' so something's gone downhill somewhere, and that's been brought up a few times in past months.

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The problem with the SM system at the mo is that other SM's vote people to become SM's. It's a silly way of doing it because the same type of people all end up as SM. Hence why (for example) it's difficult to name any SM's who ride mods. (Yes there are some but you get my point.)

I'm not convinced... Saying that SM's nominating potential SM's is a bad thing is like, I dunno, like saying that the kids should choose what they learn in school rather than the government/teachers. SM's (in theory at least) have shown that they have consistently posted at a high standard for a long time while also coming across to those in high places as generally friendly people. It is a popularity contest, but a popularity contest for all the right reasons rather than just because of being in a certain 'clique'.

Oh yeah, and I ride a mod. And a 24".

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The problem with the SM system at the mo is that other SM's vote people to become SM's. It's a silly way of doing it because the same type of people all end up as SM. Hence why (for example) it's difficult to name any SM's who ride mods. (Yes there are some but you get my point.)

That is a random thing to call SMs out on? I'd imagine that there are probably more people riding stocks than mods on TF, and that most older people tend to ride stocks, which a lot of SMs are? But regarding "The same type of people": Endohopper; Joe Maher; Bongo; Steve from Heatsink; Luke Rainbird; Dave Marshall; Bigman; Ali C.; Tic; Stephen Morris; Ian (Snappel) - not a hell of a lot in common? People who run companies; people who don't ride trials any more; people from all round the world; people who ride 24s; people who ride mods - pretty diverse group.

But a year back no one would ever say 'some SM's post shit' so something's gone downhill somewhere,

Yes they did? Like I said before, people always kick up a fuss about how SMs and mods act. It's happened year after year.

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That is a random thing to call SMs out on? I'd imagine that there are probably more people riding stocks than mods on TF, and that most older people tend to ride stocks, which a lot of SMs are? But regarding "The same type of people": Endohopper; Joe Maher; Bongo; Steve from Heatsink; Luke Rainbird; Dave Marshall; Bigman; Ali C.; Tic; Stephen Morris; Ian (Snappel) - not a hell of a lot in common? People who run companies; people who don't ride trials any more; people from all round the world; people who ride 24s; people who ride mods - pretty diverse group.

Yes they did? Like I said before, people always kick up a fuss about how SMs and mods act. It's happened year after year.

Yeah actually i should have spent more time looking over the SM's before i said that.

There's something not right though and i can't put my finger on it.

Edited by JT!
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Just get your funking Tartybikes discount elsewhere, fags. :closedeyes:


Seriously guys, its not that good. Except for all the girls, the comfy smokers lounge with old leather chairs and the bar with an open tab in the corner of the sub-forum. And the slippers we get given to us :D

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It makes me laugh when people say they don't want to be a senior member. Everyone wants to be a senior member really. Why wouldn't you? I don't think I'll ever get to be one because I was a naughty boy in the past and I probably still do a few naughty things but I haven't had a warn for years. In fact I don't even think this account has had any warns at all. I've got no idea where i'm going with this I think I just wanted to moan about not being a senior member ha ha.

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You see, apart from knowing you in real life, i think you'd be a model SM. Long gone are the days where people actually thought you were a nazi (i was actually reading my own historic posts and spotted some good arguements with you at the center!!!). You spell well, add to the forum, are widely known by the forum, respected by many, liked by many, use the place very regularly, and just come across as sound. To me, that's what it basically means to be one.

There are no advantages, except for the fact you can't be warned. I suppose i was made an SM when i actually rode (i think). I know i haven't ridden trials for several years now though, yet i'd like to think i'm much of the above. I know i piss people off sometimes. In the SM section, i have been known to apologise for being a bit of a hom sometimes, but at the end of the day, i was made an SM for how i was, so i'm not going to change how i am. I respect people, and respect what it means to be an SM, despite the fact that in reality, it means nothing. I am only an SM when on this website! Nice to have a sense of respect through being an SM, from many people i respect myself though.

It's definately not all about who's mates with who though. I've said i think 'X' should be an SM, despite not knowing his real name, never meeting him or anything like that, but i have noticed over a period of time they've helped people, added humour, well put together threads and posts, been mature, decent, and generally good to have about the place.


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It makes me laugh when people say they don't want to be a senior member. Everyone wants to be a senior member really. Why wouldn't you? I don't think I'll ever get to be one because I was a naughty boy in the past and I probably still do a few naughty things but I haven't had a warn for years. In fact I don't even think this account has had any warns at all. I've got no idea where i'm going with this I think I just wanted to moan about not being a senior member ha ha.

I was given senior membership but rejected it after my experiences in the senior member forum.

Status is an important word here.

edit: stated from drunkeness

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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When I rode a lot of trials and really got into the scene there came a point where I was making lots of detailed and helpful posts on the forum which eventually led to sm'ship.

Unfortunately, I now no longer ride trials or follow the scene at all, so unless something comes up about vw's, music tech, or bmx, I'm pretty useless haha!

If you really desperately want to be a sm, consistently make helpful posts which are thoughtful and well written. Or send me a £15 payment through paypal and some noodz of your sisters (Y)


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