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Rant From Happy Thread

Sonny Clarke

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I can't decide if this thread is a good idea or not, you seem to be putting in way too much effort to try and fit in, so read this:

Taking this thread for example:


Everyone posts, few crap but funny posts, Charlie (Dr Nick) posts something amusing, Sonny f**king Clarke comes in, acting like a twat, trying to be funny and failing. People then "join in" aka rip the shit out of him, and it turns into a shit thread, because of one member who is trying to be "part of the crowd" aka the people mentioned earlier in this thread. He also managed to successfully kill the Late Night Thread (imo), it had just got good, there was always banter, yet he comes in, tries to join in with how we act, and just completely doesn't understand it, so gets the shit ripped out of him, for (imo) good reason.

I think the problem is, I get on with a lot of people, Charlie is one of my best friends, we chat literally every day (gay!), Matt (Gok) and I are mates, we chat every now and then, Jason (Pocket Rocket) and I get on, he gave me advice when my nan died and I think he's a really sound guy, Jon (Circus) is f**king brilliant, Haz (Bender) is also awesome, just a really chilled guy who is easy to get on with, Joe (Fish) is hilarious, yet these tend to be all the people everyone dislikes, there are more people I could mention, like Rapebird, but he tends to keep things fairly level.

It's people like these who I think should be (if they're not already) Seniors, because they're funny, they add to the forum in a different way rather than the Trials Chat "give lots of information to members" crew (which is what being Senior was all about when I first joined, even though it seems to have changed these days).

If you know how to take us, then you'll get on with us, if you don't know how to take us, don't understand the sense of humour that we all share, or try to hard to be like any of us, you will get ripped, simple.

But to be honest, no one is out to hate anyone really, it's just all a bit of a laugh, after all, it's only a forum on the internet, people just take it too seriously.

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AKA all the dickheads

I'm not trying to act like you at all, I'd rather get you lot banned if anyway possible to make this forum better

Oh and btw, I think this would be more suitable

No, far from it. All the people who you THINK are dickheads, because you don't understand us.

If you're not trying to act like us, what's this all about...


Trying to imitate Jon and failing miserably. The thread itself was amusing, you came in and f**ked it up by "being funny". You're at least 2-3 years younger than the majority of us, in my case, you're 5 years younger than me, so you really don't understand the sense of humour we have, but as you become more mature and actually grow up, you will start to understand why the things we say are funny. Right now, you just dont get it, and just want to fit in, despite what you say. The post I just quoted is an obvious attempt at trying to pull off the kind of post we find amusing.

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I'd also like to bring to light the naked picture of Fat Pants that I posted, it was funny at first because it was original. OBM agreed it was funny an it got some funny responses, it could of been left at that, but you (Sonny) took it too far by posting it a few more times. Personally I think that is a prime example of you trying to fit in, but taking it one step too far.

In light of previous comments, it's in everyones best interest to keep this thread as well mannered an respectful of everyones opinions.

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I'd also like to bring to light the naked picture of Fat Pants that I posted, it was funny at first because it was original. OBM agreed it was funny an it got some funny responses, it could of been left at that, but you (Sonny) took it too far by posting it a few more times. Personally I think that is a prime example of you trying to fit in, but taking it one step too far.

In light of previous comments, it's in everyones best interest to keep this thread as well mannered an respectful of everyones opinions.

I concur.

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On the topic of the forum, and in fact the UK trials scene, going to the dogs (quote from me from elsewhere on the forum):

There used to be a natural/street divide but when that was the case people could see the point of the other side, it just 'wasn't for them'.

These days it seems that although I can see that TGS is trials at its very (very) simplest, the majority of the (mainly northern?) TGS riders seem to think that anything other than those moves can't possibly considered trials and are aggressively against anyone who questions how they ride. It just sucks really.

Most of the arguments I've come across seem to stem from a limited few members who can't help but stir things up for no good reason.

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In my opinion -

I made a bit of a rant because I took things too personally. Thus making myslelf look like I have the IQ of a tea spoon.

But, the one good point I made is theres not enough respect. The young-un's need to look up to the more seasoned riders and show them some proper respect, and the more mature older riders need to show some understanding and respect the the younger riders. Unfortunatly, we were all little shits at one time.

:( It's all so petty, I used to take massive insult to the Circus's posts. But when you step back and laugh at him taking the piss out of someone else you realize actually, it IS funny. Just lighten up everyone, I'm probably the most guilty of it on here so i might as well say it. If something winds you up, Take 10 mins to think about the situation before posting, it's really easy to get caught up in an argument when you feel an injustice, or some wrong doing. And arguing makes you look like a plank.

Just chillax guy's, theres far to many hormones flying rounds TF at the moment (N)

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In my opinion -

Just chillax guy's, theres far to many hormones flying rounds TF at the moment (N)

Everyone posts, few crap but funny posts, Charlie (Dr Nick) posts something amusing, Sonny f**king Clarke comes in, acting like a twat, trying to be funny and failing. People then "join in" aka rip the shit out of him, and it turns into a shit thread, because of one member who is trying to be "part of the crowd" aka the people mentioned earlier in this thread. He also managed to successfully kill the Late Night Thread (imo), it had just got good, there was always banter, yet he comes in, tries to join in with how we act, and just completely doesn't understand it, so gets the shit ripped out of him, for (imo) good reason.
Edited by Sonny Clarke
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so you really don't understand the sense of humour we have

And i don't understand your humor? f**k of your humor is shit

I've been on rides with John but know him mainly through here... and he is a funny f**k

Just chillax guy's, theres far to many hormones flying rounds TF at the moment (N)

its my time of the month

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I can't decide if this thread is a good idea or not, you seem to be putting in way too much effort to try and fit in, so read this:

My sentiments exactly.

AKA all the dickheads

Who do you think will take you seriously when insult us like that without reason.

And you're volunteering to become a mod?

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