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Sept 11th

Mr Motivator

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I still belive it was the American goverment, for example:

Two weeks before 9/11 the owner of the building renewed the insurance to include protection from terriost attacks.

BBC announced live 20 minutes BEFORE tower 7 collapsed that it had fallen down, when it was clearly visable in the background.

On 9/11 they had arranged a firefighting course in New York, so there were already loads of more firefighters in the city than ususal.


Explosives where planted in the building, as it collapsed you could see them going off to make sure they could claim on it. Just search it in youtube im sure theres a video!

The man that insured the building got millions of punds from it falling over.

Tower 7 that magically fell down, contained many gverment documents that where explaining a decline some goverment thingy.

I havent written a long post like that for a while. Theres more about it somewhere but i have strong beliefs that it was the goverment.

Still R.I.P the victims of 9/11, that program about the hotel last night was pretty amazing!

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1) BBC announced live 20 minutes BEFORE tower 7 collapsed that it had fallen down, when it was clearly visable in the background.

2) Explosives where planted in the building, as it collapsed you could see them going off to make sure they could claim on it. Just search it in youtube im sure theres a video!

3) Tower 7 that magically fell down, contained many gverment documents that where explaining a decline some goverment thingy.

1) That reporter was in the middle of a confusing situation, she just reads whats in front of here....The firefighters trying to save the building all evacuated as they feared it would collapse...chinese whispers ect ect.

2) I don't believe it had exsplosives in the building. The air pressure from the building above crashing down would be more than enough to blow windows out (as seen in the videos of the collapse)

3) Did you see the back of tower 7? there was hardly anything left! One of the falling Twin Towers pretty much fell on Tower 7 damaging it beyond repair and setting it ablaze with jet fuel.

Saying that, there are some pretty dodgy things. The Hexagen...no plane wreckage found, a nice neat hole through layers of re-enforced concrete and goverment agents seizing cctv footage from the building across the road.

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1) That reporter was in the middle of a confusing situation, she just reads whats in front of here....The firefighters trying to save the building all evacuated as they feared it would collapse...chinese whispers ect ect.

2) I don't believe it had exsplosives in the building. The air pressure from the building above crashing down would be more than enough to blow windows out (as seen in the videos of the collapse)

3) Did you see the back of tower 7? there was hardly anything left! One of the falling Twin Towers pretty much fell on Tower 7 damaging it beyond repair and setting it ablaze with jet fuel.

Saying that, there are some pretty dodgy things. The Hexagen...no plane wreckage found, a nice neat hole through layers of re-enforced concrete and goverment agents seizing cctv footage from the building across the road.

When did they build the othe side? lol.

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I love the way that most of the people that real off these 'facts' that imply a conspiracy theory only quote them from biased sources, i.e. the w'nker behind Loose Change.

I went to a public screening of that film, with him there presenting. From the moment he began speaking, it was clear that unless you already believed his views, you were unwelcome. And he went on to pull some pretty sly tricks and turn the audience against anyone who dare raise a question, simply getting everyone to ridicule them.

So far I'm yet to see even a remotely plausible suggestion for an alternative to Al Qaeda being responsible. If your life is that boring, and you really want to believe in this shite, then by all means, go ahead.

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bit of a difference between a small fighter and a multi engined passenger plane, also I bet the passenger plane was going slower that 500mph

PS I meant Pentagon, but I prefer Hexagon sounds more.....Devilish!!!!

PPS, I am neither here nor there when it comes to conspiracies on 11/9, some are just plain stupid, but others are a bit weird..some are even Gophers.

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I don't understand why people find it so hard to believe that the police/FBI/CIA would confiscate CCTV footage? There was a shoplifter in the store near me in London, the police 'confiscated' all the CCTV tapes so they could view them. When there were the serial bombings (Not the 7/7 ones, waaaay back) in London, the police confiscated CCTV footage from all public transport from all around the city for the week before the attack, and from the street cameras and shop cameras. Using that footage, they caught the bomber. CCTV footage is necessary to investigate things, it's not hard to work out that they'd need it to check it out?

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