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Computers Are Pure Hassle.

Mark W

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So. I'm going back to uni on Sunday, and I just went to fire up The Behemoth (aka my near vintage Time Machine :P) to see how it's going, but nothing's really happening. When I turn it on, it seems like the actual hard-drive turns on, but the monitor it's connected to (I've tried 2-3) doesn't seem to register and stays on standby. Equally, the lights on the keyboard/mouse don't light up, and basically nothing happens.

I've got a shitload of work on there that's on a seperate hard-drive we added in, so it's not really like I'm particularly worried about that being lost (And it doesn't matter much either way), but I can't afford to buy a laptop right now and so it'd be pretty sweet to get this one running. I've actually got another laptop around, but it shit the bed in a totally unrelated way, and I basically need to reinstall XP on there, except I don't have an XP disc...

(Just gonna let the implications of that hang in the air)

(I'm available via PM ;))

...so yeah, I need to get this PC working. I've had a look around inside and everything seems to be connected properly, so I don't really get what's up with it. Any help would be pretty sweet. Thanks!

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