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Guess The Movie Thread!

Ben Cox

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Right, there hasnt been a half decent thread on here for a fair while so i thought i'd start this! basically someone puts up a picture from a film and you have to guess what it is... if you get it right you put a new picture up and so on and so forth :)

The rules are...

Guess as much as you like.

You have 3 hours to post your new movie before it becomes a free-for-all.

Wait for confirmation from the poster of the movie if it is correct before posting, however if guess is confirmed by others (stating a reason) and the 3 hours have passed, then feel free to post your movie.

Please remember this thread can be seen by all ages so no unsuitable material.

Do not be afraid to ask for clues, and if you guess the movie but don't want to post a new movie, please say so so others can post for you.

Be realistic with your movie postings, e.g. do not post up a movie that is subtitled in mandarin and can only be seen in China or on the Web

Some Sites for Hosting that are free:






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