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Bunny Hop Record?

Ross McArthur

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The current record (current as at the date of this letter) is:

The highest bunny hop on a trial bike was set by Dani Comas (Spain) when he cleared a bar at a height of 1.21 m (47.6") on the set of Tous Les Records in Port Leucate, France on 23 July 2004.

Think the official world record for the sidehop is still held by Benito Ros at about 53.5" although I know Rick Koekoek can easily beat that if it were all organised...

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Umm... try reading my post again? I editted it just for you :P.

So it doesnt matter whether its a side hop or a bunny hop over a bar? is there no distinction???

Edit...right ok there must be.

Thing is I have a friend wanting to attempt it soon, so just wanted to know what he has to beat.

Cheers for the help...Ill let you all know if he does it or not. Ill post a link to the Guinness world records if he beats it.

Edited by Ross McArthur
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No. The bunnyhop record (forward over a bar) is held by Dani Comas, set in 2004 and is 1.21m. The sidehop record (I think) is still officially held by Benito Ros Charral and is something like 1.36m. Two records.

Reason I have that info from Guiness is because I asked them whether I could attempt a bunnyhop record for a 24" bike but they don't distinguish between wheel sizes. I didn't take it any further though...

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hey Ross, i think they are to different records, i dont know what the bunny hop record, but i think the side hop record is about 55"

you trying to see if u can break a world record ? lol

lmao at 55, damon can get that from 2 :rolleyes:

its like 60 or something.


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Enter the TF tape measure... We're talking official records. Don't doubt that Damon could probably do over 55" onto a wall and possibly over a bar too but 'its like 60 or something' is just plain BS.

damon cant sidehop 55 inch? lmao

he got 53 from 2 wheels static to back..... mate.

official records are wank if they think the sidehops records 55.


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Just need a few more people and this will turn into a 10 page row :P

I'm sure he can do 70" to rear wheel and I'm going to protect that statement with my life. I'm going to lmao at everybody who disagrees and put forward untrue statistics to make me sound awesome.

lmao he can do 70.5 mate lmao


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side up record is always OVER a bar...

world record is 135 cm from benito and he does 138 cm a few month ago

and rick koekoek did 141 cm ...

damon is a beast... I really want to know how much he could do...

about bunny up...benito ross is the best for bunny up on a wall (he made something like 145 cm with half stroke run up)..but I don't know if he is as good to jump over things

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damon cant sidehop 55 inch? lmao

he got 53 from 2 wheels static to back..... mate.

official records are wank if they think the sidehops records 55.


Oh yea I forgot, the judges from the Offical world records spend a lot of time on the streets during trials rides, measuring everyones sidehops... How could we forget that >_<

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damon cant sidehop 55 inch? lmao

he got 53 from 2 wheels static to back..... mate.

official records are wank if they think the sidehops records 55.


when did i say he can do 70?just because he can acctually do 53 from 2 to back first time, and your what.... jealous?



Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahhahahahahahaha. Ha. Ha... Hahahahahahahahahahaha..... mate.

I stand by Joe Maher's avatar.

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