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it's all about compresing youself and pre-loading the chain on statick hops.

arms at full reach knees bent and try and keep your weight on your forward paddle then just through all your weight forward and up in the peddle kick. the up part is really important.

i'll be honest i can do more than bout7 foot prob less but on this vid thats all i was practicing


Edited by Aaron.gloster
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check the wiki (Y)

and watch neil tunnicliffe.


you preload by doing a bigger hop than normal, then compress down (like you would just to jump normally) then jump forwards and up as hard and fast as you can whilst you kick the pedals.

you then need to bring the back wheel up by bending your legs then extending them out again pushing the wheel as far forwards as you can (dont forget to put your brake on...) then land and try and get your weight forwards as quick as possible so you dont just fall off the back.

a lot of people find going a bit sideways helps too (away from your lead foot)

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  Fat Pants™ said:
i said in the gf pics thread, the mandatory 'pm me pics pl0z' line.

kev, firm advice, think i'm just gonna f**k her and see how it goes.

roll on next friday when i have the day off, or next early shift.

Learn to gap from the very edge of an object, 'pinching' the tyre as part of your preload, shoots you off like f**k.

You can get away with not doing it like that, but IMO it's poor technique and pretty much useless as you couldn't do it on anything particularly small.

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  Jamie L L williams said:
Here is a clip of me doing a gap http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5fzA09wbxWE&fmt=18 hope this helps


See how this guy kicks and rolls before he leaves where he is taking off from, for maximum gappage you generally do not really want to be doing that,


2.30 here is what your aiming for.

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well basically get on back wheel get near the edge from where you are gapping from lower the front end whilst preloading then give a masisve kick and as soon as you have done that bend your knees right up so you are tucking so you get greater clearence and then when you want to land extend your legs so the bike goes down to the floor and make sure you tuck on landing so you get a softer landing. kee practicing that and then you will concer your gaps, some people find it easy soem people find it hard so dont worry.

hope this helps (Y)

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  trials4life1 said:
Hi, I'm sure other people are having this problem, hopefully. Anyway I want to do some decent gaps but it seems no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get the bike to the length I want! Does anybody have any good techniques I could give a try?


I find if I hope around on the back wheel then gap it aint as good as keeping both wheels on the floor then kick once to get the front end up then on the second kick leap forward.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by 1337 Trials
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hi guys i'm from Singapore:)just wondering if anyone would share slowly step by step how to use the edge to gap???everytime i try i cant go far???is it because i just pedal kick off???

must i actuall compress doen and back then throw my body weight forward???i tried gapping from the edge i only can clear about 1 ft then i will bounce on the ground then only going further

if its a real gap with nothing in the middle does the bike go down slighty then up again???hope you guys understand:)thanks:)oh you if there any video to teach how to gap i hope you guys won't mind sharing:)

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  Jakers said:
Learn to gap from the very edge of an object, 'pinching' the tyre as part of your preload, shoots you off like f**k.

You can get away with not doing it like that, but IMO it's poor technique and pretty much useless as you couldn't do it on anything particularly small.

10 points for random 'Pants quote.

Just practice! Go out in the street and aim for things futher and further away. Grant's explained it pretty well :)

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