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Post A Pic Of Your Mrs Thread Part Ii


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This thread needs livening up a little!!!

A few of my ex's.....

Sara, ex of 3 years and the only one I have of her now... (and me with a skin head thug look!)


Emily, still very good friends!


Before a night out in Blackpool


One she sent me one night I wasn't at her's....


And Rosie, the latest and still with...

On a walk near my house


In preston slightly drunk!


Getting drunk on a night in...


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hahaha lets ban fat pants from a thread. this are so funny!

since when have you been chineese, with your tense f**k ups.

and fatty, if you haven't noticed ive been staying out of topics where i would like to have slated you, but sometimes you make it very very hard

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The bandwagoners need to stop, Glens sound.

And what started out as a private joke between a few "friends" has now escalated to not many people taking Glen to seriously.

When really he's sound and knows allot of useful stuff and is more than happy to help out whenever applicable.

I hope your not taking stuff personally Glen ? ;)

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