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Dos anyone on here no any pikies cos i borroed my mates scooter n wa suppoesd to give it bak today but was ridin it down the tracks near my hous to give it bak and the cops took it off me i dont no what to do guys this guys maybe a gypo but he lives in a house could i tell the cops i need to give it bak has neone else had anything took off them before?

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What? Why did you ride it on a track in the first place?

I don't think he means a racing track... but then, with the completely unstructured, confusing way that he wrote it, it could be... Sorry Rich, I'm doing that superiority thing again.

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I'd imagine the owner of the scooter will need to see the cops to get it back.

Im guessing its a micro scooter. In which case you need to prove that you have tax, mot and insurance for it... which is impossible, and will be duely crushed. You spell like a f**king retard as well which serves you right.

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I've come to the conclusion that an illiterate chimp has stolen your account.

Exhibit a:

An understanding of funtamental physics will lead to things being invented, based on that understanding. It might lead to better computers, and other things requiring really small parts, etc, but really at the minute it's just for 'shits and giggles', accumulating an understanding which might have practical use in the future.

Exhibit b:

Dos anyone on here no any pikies cos i borroed my mates scooter n wa suppoesd to give it bak today but was ridin it down the tracks near my hous to give it bak and the cops took it off me i dont no what to do guys this guys maybe a gypo but he lives in a house could i tell the cops i need to give it bak has neone else had anything took off them before?
Edited by Skoze
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k i foned 999 and offered them a washin machnie but basically they sed f**k off com eon guys im f**ked if i cant think what 2 do

You dialled 999?


You should have phoned your local police station, not dialled 999.

If you don't know your local station's no, search it online or use the fricking yellow pages!

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I've come to the conclusion that an illeterate chimp has stolen your account.

Exhibit a:

Exhibit b:

damn good evidence, in which case any offence caused to the original account holder is apologised for, except for "don't leave your computer logged in in a public place!"

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