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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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someone mentioned about all this big bang testin business to me the other day....n i was thinking f**ks sake...people playin god again..messin with things they dont fully understand.....so had a read up on it...then i thought ill check trials forum..cos wen there was that earthquake i while back first thing i did was check on here...cos i thought i was goin nuts at first..but the first topic i saw...did u feel that think it was an earthquake...did the same thing today ..first topic i saw was ..end of the world.....dunno weather to believe it or not but while searchin about i did find summat pretty interesting on you tube...its about 2012 n all the planet x stuff...scary mad stuff...but again dunno if theres any truth to it but ill try pop the link up now.. theres 5 parts to it....bit off topic but hey if it dont end from the testin there doin theres always this to look forward to.

Youtube Video -> Original Video

also u could watch this if u cant sleep as the guy has a very soothing well..borin voice

Edited by obeseworm
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well that was dull - they sent the beam 1/8th the way around the LHC in one direction .... live on bbc.

Sorry... the BBC actually televised something moving at almost the speed of light - or certainly at least beyond the speed the human eye can process - and thought it'd be something enjoyable for people to watch?

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Sorry... the BBC actually televised something moving at almost the speed of light - or certainly at least beyond the speed the human eye can process - and thought it'd be something enjoyable for people to watch?

yeah and when the guy in charge made a speech about what was happening the f**king moron reporter woman who clearly failed GCSE science was talking over the top of him ....

"the beams are millimeter accurate arent they ..." :lol:

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so to save me reading 11 pages of blah blah blah...what are they hoping to find from the experiments?

theres 4 detectors, each searching for something.

“ ATLAS - one of two so-called general purpose detectors. Atlas will be used to look for signs of new physics, including the origins of mass and extra dimensions

CMS - the second general purpose detector will, like ATLAS, hunt for the Higgs boson and look for clues to the nature of dark matter

ALICE - will study a "liquid" form of matter called quark-gluon plasma that existed shortly after the Big Bang

LHCb - Equal amounts of matter and anti-matter were created in the Big Bang. LHCb will try to investigate what happened to the "missing" anti-matter

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