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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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Ever heard of the internet?

Nah, you probably haven't.

Wait, you have? That was partly them.

Was it? I thought they came up with the world wide web?

The point is that things like the internet are only magnificent because we say they are; we make the definitions fit the results almost like the means justifying the ends. The fact that we can communicate faster and research any subject in the blink of an eye is only magnificent to us; the rest of the world and all of its other inhabitants kept going regardless, and in fact were probably incovenienced by the internet due to expansions in industry and commerce that it allowed.

I bet you the kind of people who say the internet is magnificent are the same people who were saying that the biggest downside to global warming was that in the some distant part of the future, when things get really desperate and governments are forced to take drastic measures, that they may have to give up the pursuit of motorsport.

I just don't get the sheer arrogance and self-centredness of some humans.


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To be fair the whole Global Warming thing has blown over, because people have realised it was a money making scheme and that what is actually happening is a phase. The earth goes through cycles.

Nobody has ever been able to come back with an answer to this:

When the Ice Age ended, Mammoths were driving around in Land Rovers and leaving their TV's on standby were they?

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Was it? I thought they came up with the world wide web?

The point is that things like the internet are only magnificent because we say they are; we make the definitions fit the results almost like the means justifying the ends. The fact that we can communicate faster and research any subject in the blink of an eye is only magnificent to us; the rest of the world and all of its other inhabitants kept going regardless, and in fact were probably incovenienced by the internet due to expansions in industry and commerce that it allowed.

I bet you the kind of people who say the internet is magnificent are the same people who were saying that the biggest downside to global warming was that in the some distant part of the future, when things get really desperate and governments are forced to take drastic measures, that they may have to give up the pursuit of motorsport.

I just don't get the sheer arrogance and self-centredness of some humans.


How oxymoronic is it to complain about the arrogance and self-centredness of 'some humans', when your post is full of your own opinions, presenting them as if they are right!? It's rhettorical, answer is 'very'.

I beleive our achievements should be considered magnificent by how much entropy we get rid of. It might sound calus because entropy=disorder, ie the natural way of things. But i'm not talking about destroying plants and animals, i'm talking about going against the will of nature (to turn everything to disorder) and controlling the destiny of the molecules and atoms that make up our planet.

By that definition the internet is magnificent, as literally trillions of transistors (our computers) are connected together in a meaningful way that allows us to do all sorts of things (include bitch to other members of trials-forum).

I think you like to feel special by having a different meaning of magnificent to everyone else. What is your definition of magnificent then?

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How oxymoronic is it to complain about the arrogance and self-centredness of 'some humans', when your post is full of your own opinions, presenting them as if they are right!? It's rhettorical, answer is 'very'.

I beleive our achievements should be considered magnificent by how much entropy we get rid of. It might sound calus because entropy=disorder, ie the natural way of things. But i'm not talking about destroying plants and animals, i'm talking about going against the will of nature (to turn everything to disorder) and controlling the destiny of the molecules and atoms that make up our planet.

By that definition the internet is magnificent, as literally trillions of transistors (our computers) are connected together in a meaningful way that allows us to do all sorts of things (include bitch to other members of trials-forum).

I think you like to feel special by having a different meaning of magnificent to everyone else. What is your definition of magnificent then?

I wouldn't have said I present my opinions as if they are right in any way more than anyone else does, I simply feel upset sometimes that the majority of people seem to believe we have the right to be in charge in the grand scheme of things; that somehow we deserve control just because we were superior enough to take it. Who honestly says we have the right to control the Earths destiny? I'm sure if you asked everyone else we shared this planet with they would probably say we didn't.

If someone on the street asked me to describe magnificent I'd probably say something like a Lion or the Amazon, thats not to say I wouldn't describe an Aston Martin DB9 (for example) as magnificent. Is that an oxymoron aswell? (Note: not being sarcastic there, I genuinely don't know what the word means.)


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Meaning Global Warming is some shit thought up by massive companies to make us buy "green" products and save the earth from something that naturally happens.

No further questions m'lord.

Well it wasn't thought up by major companies, it was realised by some scientists doing research. Tons of shit gets researched, only a small proportion gets recognised because the rest is worthless and meaningless.

The major companies/governments ran with the idea of global warming along with the 'shit theres a shortage of oil' farse, when actually there isn't a shortage of oil, and global warming is part of a natural cycle.

Remember the Ozone layer? Who gives a shit about that now?

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Wow! I didn't realise that this experement could mean that we have to re-write the books on physics! Alot of us on here have are going to have worthless Grades in physics at GCSE, A level and degree level! :P

the standard model is wrong if no higgs boson is found :(

lhc might not find it, but that doesnt mean its not there. ie a larger particle accelerator is needed to uncover it

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To be fair the whole Global Warming thing has blown over, because people have realised it was a money making scheme and that what is actually happening is a phase. The earth goes through cycles.

Nobody has ever been able to come back with an answer to this:

When the Ice Age ended, Mammoths were driving around in Land Rovers and leaving their TV's on standby were they?

Like you said - it's cyclical. However, if we f**k up the environment/continue changing the climate because of the emissions we're producing, it's going to take a lot longer to come back down, if it does. So yeah, it's naturally warming up, and all the Daily Mail reading people who are shitting themselves because immigrants are causing global warming and suchlike are worrying un-necessarily, but we are still causing damage to the whole process.


f**k YOU

Incorrect; f**k you for this thread, which effectively renders any of your little bitches at other people null and void.

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Wasn't the world supposed to end in the year 2000, and then again in 2006 from that dude who made millions from his published book The Bible Code. if the world does end it will be most likely from the effects of extreme climate change. fortunately for us here today, we wont be around when the sh*t really hits the fan when mother nature unleashes its ugly head :lol:

Edited by Rusevelt
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