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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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anyone just see the program on bbc4 about the lhc. it was interesting

chance to find higgs boson (the biggest reason for building the lhc) was placed like 9/10. and to find another dimension was about 1/100

to undertake experiments about the string theory requires energies that only a particle accelerator the size of the galaxy could give

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to undertake experiments about the string theory requires energies that only a particle accelerator the size of the galaxy could give

I didn't see it, but I hate to think of it like that. It just makes me lose all interest to think that all this thought-effort will never be shown in experimentation (and by that nature there will never be a practical use).

You statement suggests that we'll never see experimental evidence. Having said that, the statement is based on extrapolating the current, unmodified technology to the required scale that would produce evidence; it doesn't say we wont find another way to provide evidence other than the (as it has already been described here) seemingly primative way of smashing things together as fast as possible and seeing what bits fly off.

yer i think its amazn this smashin stuff 2geva gypos n that.

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how do they actually know if anything new was produced from the collision? guessing they dont just go round with mgnifying glasses lookin on the floor for bits of atom? is it how much energy is given out?

I don't know. I imagine it will, as usual, be some kind of secondary observation, as is usually the case. Like how you know that the wind is blowing outside your window because the trees move, even if you can;t actually feel the wind. They will observe the reactions of something they can measure, and deduce that a certain particle was created.

I'm guessing it will be very in depth and beyond the scope of this thread on a biking website! Especially for me anyway, as I'm pissed!

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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how do they actually know if anything new was produced from the collision? guessing they dont just go round with mgnifying glasses lookin on the floor for bits of atom? is it how much energy is given out?

They build some cock-arsed random detector specifically for each thing they're hoping to find, and presumably it beeps or something and they go, 'waheyy, we found this, that means all this maths i wrote down is true.'

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They build some cock-arsed random detector specifically for each thing they're hoping to find, and presumably it beeps or something and they go, 'waheyy, we found this, that means all this maths i wrote down is true.'

Thank you for that wonderful explanation of sub-atomic physics.

We can all sleep peacefully tonight.

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Thank you for that wonderful explanation of sub-atomic physics.

We can all sleep peacefully tonight.

In order to detect a certain kind of neutrino, the detector must be something like the size of the moon.

Using such a detector, if one fired neutrinos through the core of the earth, you could cause time travel.

I'm obviously missing something out, but I can't remember it.

Thanks to some fiddly bit of physics, the people at the south pole might find the particles turn up before the people at the north pole have sent them.

It might have to do with the earths magnetic field.

Also, in order to make a wormhole and make it stable, and large enough for a spaceship to go through, you'd need electromagnets each the size of saturn.


Edited by Revolver
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Yeah they have some big magnets which will divert the course of any particles, and very sensitive sensing equipment. Positively charged things go one way, negative t'other, and the amount of curvature caused by the magnets will allow you to work out the mass of the particle. Since the machine is so damn fast, they can run a number of experiments and see what happens. Something like that anyway. Been a while since I looked at this stuff. Physics is interesting though, especially when we're looking at the most fundamental building blocks of our universe. Worth every penny.

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sounds like inner anguish? :S

Dunno what that means. :S

But yeah i was just thinking, i don't want to die anytime soon if i can help it. But if some sort of black hole sucked everyone in in a matter of milliseconds and killed everyone on the planet. That though doesn't bother me as opposed to the thought that i could drop dead of a heart attack or something, which scares the shit out of me.

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inner anguish is like a hate/loathing for something...sometimes against the world for bad luck that has happened to you, and you blame therest of the world. Emo's suffer from it alot, but I never thought of you as an emo sort so maybe its something quite different :P

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This experiment is sick and those that think it a joke are sick. The scientists are terrorists in threatening mass destruction. They have no right to veto my existence, the lives of my children, life on earth in all its wonderous beauty and complexity. They have no right to threaten the people of Earth with mega death. The experiment has to be stopped at all costs. No data or knowledge is worth this kind of risk. Science has reached its limitation. People were quite happy in the past with simple pleasures. No one needs this science or data. we have too much already. Humans need to return to simple and sustainable living and not be threatened by a minority of freaks with over sized brains and no appreciation of Nature and everyday things like mountains, birds, insects, flowers or the sunrise.


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I haven't read much of this thread but it angers me when people without even fundamental science knowledge make such stupid claims. If it wasn't for the amazing work like the CERN ring and the many other thousands of projects going on everyday then the world wouldn't be progressing and becoming more magnificent by the day.

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I haven't read much of this thread but it angers me when people without even fundamental science knowledge make such stupid claims. If it wasn't for the amazing work like the CERN ring and the many other thousands of projects going on everyday then the world wouldn't be progressing and becoming more magnificent by the day.

Can I have a list of all these magnificent things?

An understanding of funtamental physics will lead to things being invented, based on that understanding. It might lead to better computers, and other things requiring really small parts, etc, but really at the minute it's just for 'shits and giggles', accumulating an understanding which might have practical use in the future.

As for should the money have been spent... we should definitely not wait until *all* of the worlds problems are solved before looking into this stuff. Besides, the project:

- increases diplomatic stability across 20 nations

- will produce results (either confirming or not confirming the higgs boson at certain energy levels)

- and was able to be budgetted accurately (money and time)

These are all plus points which attract funding. Unfortunately throwing money after curing diseases is not like this.

I do understand and appreciate all of that, I think I just feel a little scared that we are a race of beings who seem to believe that just because we can do something, we should do something. It feels a little megalomaniacle (sp?) to just push limitations because we feel we deserve whatever we can grab at.

One of the greatest inventors of all time, Nicola Tesla, often used, and may have even coined the phrase, "Man's reach exceeds his grasp." I kind of feel thats often a prudent and fitting analogy for the current attitude of the general scientific community.

Oh well.


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The report explains that if particle collisions at the LHC had the power to destroy the Earth, we would never have been given the chance to exist, because regular interactions with more energetic cosmic rays would already have destroyed the Earth or other astronomical bodies.

The Safety Assessment Group writes, “Nature has already conducted the equivalent of about a hundred thousand LHC experimental programmes on Earth – and the planet still exists.”

'nuff said

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