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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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So if we can smash an particle and get a little something more than quarks out, a revolution in contemorary thinking wll emerge.

I hate that - not a very elegant way of going about things is it - just see if you can get a bigger hammer and smash it into a smaller bit ?

It is a little disturbing though that people predict this sort of thing ... I imagine that if the mini black holes did persist it would all be over instantaneously - makes you wonder ... rowly ?

Anyway we are clearly safe - we havent had the second coming yet ..... oh wait :(

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The world wont end, but if it does, at least the french go first

By something close to 0.0001 of a second, and in a black hole even that would be relative to.... damnit, this is where I need Dave Marshall again....

On a serious note, other than the concept of exploration and discovery, what actual practical applications does this £4.4 billion jackhammer have in the real world? I mean, sure, its cool and all, but couldn't we have cured a few diseases before we went chasing quarks with with the defecit of 20 different nations?


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The amount of energy that is in transfer there will lead to almost black holes but the energy isnt sustained so they will effectively collapse as soon as the collison is finished. Thus why while black holes are being created, they wont lead to any end of the world situations

EDIT: In answer to rich's question, yeah there are alot of things taht the money could have been spent on but this isnt just cool, there may be applications of this stuff, in the way that when particles were discovered there was loads of new things developed.

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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I knew this topic would come up, and I somehow knew 'The Sun' would turn it into some scare tactic.

If Stephen Hawkings it to be believed, blackholes do not gather mass; and so it will not get bigger - nore will it suck everything into it. This experiment will examine theory; 'the end of the world' is one theory of course but its not certain to happen, hell, it might not do anything at all!

Another threory (coming from someone with more experience and education than a Sun journo) is that if something did happen, it would happen for an absolute nano second. However, doing this experiment they will be sending tetrabytes of data all over the world every nanosecond - making this one of the biggest data projects the world has ever seen.

I don't think they would produce a 'turn on date' to the public and make it official. I'm sure a lot of hippies would go out their way to destroy the experiment...

Don't believe everything you read; especially in the sun :P

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Another threory (coming from someone with more experience and education than a Sun journo) is that if something did happen, it would happen for an absolute nano second. However, doing this experiment they will be sending tetrabytes of data all over the world every nanosecond - making this one of the biggest data projects the world has ever seen.

people think its what future internet will head this way. since so much data needs to be examined for the project normal internet connections is far too slow. and they would need far more than a few buildings of computers to analyse the data.

i feel safe since stephen hawking told us so.

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If you can stroke a proton until all its little parts come out then be my guest. :P

What about stroking a hadron and making something come out?

On a serious note, other than the concept of exploration and discovery, what actual practical applications does this £4.4 billion jackhammer have in the real world? I mean, sure, its cool and all, but couldn't we have cured a few diseases before we went chasing quarks with with the defecit of 20 different nations?

An understanding of funtamental physics will lead to things being invented, based on that understanding. It might lead to better computers, and other things requiring really small parts, etc, but really at the minute it's just for 'shits and giggles', accumulating an understanding which might have practical use in the future.

As for should the money have been spent... we should definitely not wait until *all* of the worlds problems are solved before looking into this stuff. Besides, the project:

- increases diplomatic stability across 20 nations

- will produce results (either confirming or not confirming the higgs boson at certain energy levels)

- and was able to be budgetted accurately (money and time)

These are all plus points which attract funding. Unfortunately throwing money after curing diseases is not like this.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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