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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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Apparently, what actually happens in a black hole is that it bends time, and so rather than actually being sucked in and crushed, you are stretched apart, and that time slows down relative to you as you go closer into it.


I don't get how there can be 'small' black holes. They're all small. They're the smallest thing in the universe - singularity.

If it takes a man 10 minutes to dig a hole how long does it take to dig half a hole?

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Apparently, what actually happens in a black hole is that it bends time, and so rather than actually being sucked in and crushed, you are stretched apart, and that time slows down relative to you as you go closer into it.

So how close to a black hole do you have to be to experience a pig's orgasm? It lasts half an hour apparently.

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Apparently, they aren't even going to collide any beams until after it's officially relieved which is the 21st of October.

All their doing is shooting a beam down the full length on the 10th September.

So we have an extra 6 weeks to live.

Maybe we can finally burn bibles after this has been done. Sorry to any God lovers but I'm not one of you.

Anyway.. heres my source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider

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Talked about this so many times, it will be interesting to see the results.

As for the "didn't they f**k a magnet in it?" question, im pretty sure one of the builders/idiots that did something with construction of the collider left something in the machine and it took them weeks to find it (i think it was a can of coke or something) as the whole machine is massive.

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funny thing is, i've actually been there 2 years ago for a-level trip.

found a few interesting facts but forgot most of them, they're fast f**kers and the facility is pretty damn big.. and costed a lot of dollars, we only visited a small section and 1 of the buildings has so much machines/computers/wires/geeky things it was just unbelievable..

ermm apart from that...and got given a tour of the place by "cyclops" - (he been skiing in switz) i didn't pick up much from the trip.

im not very good at science...but don't think people should worry too much, what happens happens.


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That is ridiculous... how did they no it was in there.

Can somebody explain in English what firing Protons is going to do other then create nuclear fusion... or is that only when they collide with something else?

i think its because there's such high energy in a single atom when they collide they separate into the fundamentals into the smallest form of particle possible, which obviously isn't an atom.

feel free to correct me though..don't think im right.


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rather than actually being sucked in and crushed, you are stretched apart

Those are my choices? Crushed or stretched?!

If the world did end just imagin how f**king great it would be. If you are going to die why not make it spectacular?

I'd love to see what happens to the general crime rate figures a couple of hours prior to the experiment: ugly incest cases would go through the roof.


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They aren't firing atoms at each other, this isn't splitting the atom, that's GCSE shit compared to this.

They are looking for sub-sub-atoming particles. Is there anything inside of a Proton? And if there is, is that why they have mass?

Technically quarks are the smallest part of a particle, but as it turns out we still have no idea what they do or how they do it. So if we can smash an particle and get a little something more than quarks out, a revolution in contemorary thinking wll emerge.

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As to how they found it, I have no idea (meant to answer that earlier)

They haven't found it. It's just an simple model which has been legitamised by scientists world over.

If it doesn't turn up, they will be pretty gutted, and will try something else.

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