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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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Whoa Mrs sensitive, I wasn;t even using it in reference to you using it. I was just making myself immune to the rediculous pedantry regarding spelling and grammar that seems to be happening in this thread.

Fair enough, sorry about that then (Y)

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Apologies if this has already been posted and I've missed it, but http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/

For extra geek jokes, check the source code.

if (!(typeof worldHasEnded == "undefined")) {


} else {



<!-- if the lhc actually destroys the earth & this page isn't yet updated

please email mike@frantic.org to receive a full refund -->



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I have a habit of using too many periods, but that's just f**king ridiculous. Go back to school then people might take your input into probably the only serious, on topic thread on TF seriously

soz................................................mr.. all ...knowing ...punctuation......................spelling..................man!!!!

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The Sun newspaper really pissed me off today; 2 reasons.

1. A small column explaining that 'taxpayers' footed the £5 billion bill for the LHC. Taxpayers may have covered 'some' of this, sure, but it never explained the benefits from this experiment and how it could change our everyday lives. I'm sure the sun would be happy to give up their website and other internet related technologies...oppps, thanks to CERN!

2. Some f**king idle dosser on the right hand side column. 'We thought the world was going to end today so we stopped in bed!' Typical f**king bullshit journalism.

You didn't have a lie in at all mate, you had no choice, afterall you only have to get out of bed one day a week to collect your f**king welfare cheque, you twat.

As you can see, I'm in a fantastic mood.

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Quite enjoyed the interview they had on newsnight with Brian Cox, explained how LHC is the coldest thing on the planet, and that the technology they have pioneered is going towards economising nuclear fusion and new cancer therapies.

Yeah but atm, electrical energy in (to contain the plasma) > thermal energy out

Will be at least half a century before fusion power becomes even productive let alone econmically viable according to boffins.

Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnyway, LHC is awesome, will not be cool if they destroy the earth in October though haha

Don't understand what all the fuss was about recently. All they did was fire one proton round the ring one way, then another the opposite way (not at the same time).

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I dunno if this has been posted, but i'd rather it be posted twice than not at all.

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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