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The World Ends In 9 Days!


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I told people the the world was being evacuated and it was all over the news because the Lhc.

The amount of people who believed me. How the f**k can the world be evacuated.

It just shows how dumb people are, the type of people who are quite happy to sit in their armchair and get told what to do before making their own decision.

Everybody is just reading what everybody else is blabbering about, "O no, the world ends in 2 days, I don't want to die".

People are actually genuinely shitting their pants thinking they're going to die.

Sad sad sad thick shits.

Edited by totaltrials
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Operational safety

The size of the LHC constitutes an exceptional engineering challenge with unique operational issues on account of the huge energy stored in the magnets and the beams.

While operating, the total energy stored in the magnets is 10 GJ and the total energy carried by the two beams reaches 724 MJ.

Loss of only one ten-millionth part (10−7) of the beam is sufficient to quench a superconducting magnet, while the beam dump must absorb an energy equivalent to a typical air-dropped bomb. These immense energies are even more impressive when one considers how little matter is carrying it. Under nominal operating conditions (2,808 bunches per beam, 1.15×1011 protons per bunch), the beam pipes contain 1.0×10-9 grams of hydrogen, which, in standard conditions for temperature and pressure, would fill the volume of one grain of fine sand.

Haha I can imagine that in 200 years wars will be fought with hand held accelerators just without the beam dump :P

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Imagine if nothing bad happen'd tommorow (it proberly wont but hey im covering my back) and future generations laughed at us just like we do about previous generations who thought the world was flat.

Edited by !!()`/D
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Yes, and the world will end.

f**k that, how come all the other forms of intelligent life out there managed to keep there's under control? I mean, they must have done this experiment too at some point.

If this were going to destroy us, don;t you think that when we looked into space, we'd see black holes all over the place, instead of all the thriving intelligent civilizations we do see?! Duh!

Imagine if nothing bad happend tommorow (it proberly wont but hey im covering my back) and future generations laughed at us just like we do about previous generations that thought the world was flat.

Good job you covered your back. Otherwise, if a black hole was created, I would have logged back onto trials forum to mock *you*.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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f**k that, how come all the other forms of intelligent life out there managed to keep there's under control? I mean, they must have done this experiment too at some point.

If this were going to destroy us, don;t you think that when we looked into space, we'd see black holes all over the place, instead of all the thriving intelligent civilizations we do see?! Duh!

Good job you covered your back. Otherwise, if a black hole was created, I would have logged back onto trials forum to mock *you*.

Alright mate calm down so what i made a mistake, "quick i must patronise him" you must of thought, well done, your a very clever boy.

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Just found this is an artical on MSN.com and it explains the whole earth getting distroyed by a black whole theory a lot better.

Despite a series of reassuring scientific studies, Wagner and others insist that the black holes might not fizzle out, and they fear that the mini-singularities produced by the Large Hadron Collider will fall to the center of the earth, grow larger and swallow more and more of Earth's matter.
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I thought your b'day was tomorrow?! FACEBOOK LIED TO ME!

Btw, anyone know what time of day this whole shebang is supposed to occour? Just want to know so that I can try and freak out a few simpletons.


"The first attempt to circulate an LHC beam will begin just after 9:00. Briefings from the CCC will take place hourly starting at 10:00, followed by coverage of Q&A sessions with journalists at CERN for the event."

Guess that's CEST aswell so +2 hours to BST or GMT whichever we on now

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"The first attempt to circulate an LHC beam will begin just after 9:00. Briefings from the CCC will take place hourly starting at 10:00, followed by coverage of Q&A sessions with journalists at CERN for the event."

Guess that's CEST aswell so +2 hours to BST or GMT whichever we on now

That's what they want to happen. Everyone knows we'll be swallowed up in a black hole by 0901 CET (0701 GMT).

I'll be on my way to work. If i see a black hole coming up the road in front of me i'll spin around and drive away sharpish.

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