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Sex And Related Issues.


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Right, I know this may be seen as an inappropriate topic, but I feel, from recent banter and some experiences, that a lot of people on here may find this sort of topic useful. Quite a lot recently, when I've been with my friends, they've been chatting about stuff they've did at party's and what not, with 'random' people, sex related... a lot of people who I've been chatting on with have expressed fairly deep concern for their own health and the health of others - mainly in the topic of sexual contact with other people and the issues that arise from this. A lot of people I know think or pretty much know they have caught an STD but say they are too scared to go to see a professional to get it sorted.

Just the other day, I was with a girl (camped out, and we did just about everything)... anyway, I've heard, since I did what I did, that she's 'been around', I feel bad saying that, 'cos she's a really nice girl and all, just people have said a lot of bad things, such as her sleeping with a lot of people and having STD's and such, so now, since I've read stuff on the Internet, I've been becoming more and more worried, in case I've caught something and some of the information off the Internet, about certain STD's is pretty scary.

Anyway, I thought I'd just bring the issue up, as I think a lot of people, mainly younger teenagers (as the majority of users on this forum are), may go through events as mentioned above or just generally want to seek some advice and information on the matter. There's a couple websites below I was reading and found useful:



So, if you have any advice from experience or what you know, or have links to any useful information, or just generally wanna chat about sex and related issues, here's the place.


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Yes there's Google, but I'm trying to create a place where not just information is available, but advice, perhaps from people with experience and such.

Like I said, if anyone finds any good websites, post them up.

Yeah, people have un-protected sex, and regret it, and yeah it may be their fault, but it's still good to help out. No one's perfect, people do stuff they shouldn't really do all the time, as I'm sure a lot of people on here have, those people wouldn't appreciate your (Dr. Nick's approach) in that situation, in their case, I wouldn't think?


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Yes there's Google, but I'm trying to create a place where not just information is available, but advice, perhaps from people with experience and such.

Like I said, if anyone finds any good websites, post them up.

Yeah, people have un-protected sex, and regret it, and yeah it may be their fault, but it's still good to help out. No one's perfect, people do stuff they shouldn't really do all the time, as I'm sure a lot of people on here have, those people wouldn't appreciate your (Dr. Nick's approach) in that situation, in their case, I wouldn't think?




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If you are really worried, just go for a blood test. From what I know, only HIV can't be cured.

And yes, always wear a condom, no matter who. It's not some wimpy kit, it's being sensible.

I wonder if you have this brand called Okamoto? It's from Japan and it's only at 0.03mm thick! Claimed as the world's thinnest condom, and very strong too. My friends swear by Okamoto.

Edited by spaceman
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In the immortal words of Dylan Moran: "DON'T f**k ANYONE OR YOU'LL DIE!!!"

Seriously though dude, you don't need a bunch of guys in their mid 20s on an internet cycling forum with less combined sexual experience than you to educate you on STD's, or diagnose you if you do have one. You have a doctor, or at least a hospital near you. We all pay shed loads in taxes to keep both going, use the bastards.


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Yes there's Google, but I'm trying to create a place where not just information is available, but advice, perhaps from people with experience and such.

There're people who've experienced ..... Sex :shifty: ..... on this forum...?

f**k this, i'm leaving!

Edited by BenJohn-Hynes
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In the immortal words of Dylan Moran: "DON'T f**k ANYONE OR YOU'LL DIE!!!"

Seriously though dude, you don't need a bunch of guys in their mid 20s on an internet cycling forum with less combined sexual experience than you to educate you on STD's, or diagnose you if you do have one. You have a doctor, or at least a hospital near you. We all pay shed loads in taxes to keep both going, use the bastards.


Hahaha i love you Rich

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Nope I didn't know what she was like before, only found out after, hence the slight worry.

And a good point has been made about a topic of this nature, on a forum like this, it'll most likely get inappropriate so an Admin / Mod, please close it if you feel it necessary.

Anal?? (Y)

No, at one point almost, but she wasn't having any of it.

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