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Tucking In Side Hops

dan more

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its funny how some people take the piss out of others not knowinfg them and that they struggle with proper grammer eg a mild form of dislexia so for your information mate your a fanny , apart from that i was only asking the question because some people lean to the side lots making it look like they are loosing there balance which made me think why do they tuck is it to help there balance,And to clear it up i would not usually sware on the forum but this is not the first time some one has taken the piss out of me not knowing wether i am mental in the head or have some thing wrong with me

My brother suffers from dyslexia, he can form sentences competantly

to lazy to spell check?

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its funny how some people take the piss out of others not knowinfg them and that they struggle with proper grammer eg a mild form of dislexia so for your information mate your a fanny , apart from that i was only asking the question because some people lean to the side lots making it look like they are loosing there balance which made me think why do they tuck is it to help there balance,And to clear it up i would not usually sware on the forum but this is not the first time some one has taken the piss out of me not knowing wether i am mental in the head or have some thing wrong with me

Did your "dislexia" dissapear for this post then? is it like an intermitant problem? like sometimes you have it sometimes you dont? or did you actually engage your brain before typing this one?

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And besides, the tuck seemed to emerge as a 'move' on it's own. So you can either just sidehop a wall, or tuck it. Tuck is usually just for show, hence the disproportionate amount of analysis in the tuck thread.

Anyone who uses the word 's i d' to describe a sidehop is a true trials geek, and should be kicked in the face.

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