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Tucking In Side Hops

dan more

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basically what it says in the name struck me the other day , when you side hop when you lean is it that you can not hold the position and you try hold it for style or that its just the fashion when it comes to side hoping dont meen to seem like an idiot just was wondering thanks much love dan x

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I tuck because it gets me higher , i see it as bending your legs up as high as possible to allow the backwheel up.Its not just a ""tuck"" for the sake of it , then again

some people do that because they probably think it looks "cool" or have lost the plot lol , if used properly its to get higher (Y)

because of this "tuck" that it what puts you off balance ,so it isnt to balance you atall, and you counter this by leaning your bike inwads to the sidehop.


Edited by Deonn h
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basically what it says in the name struck me the other day , when you side hop when you lean is it that you can not hold the position and you try hold it for style or that its just the fashion when it comes to side hoping dont meen to seem like an idiot just was wondering thanks much love dan x

I am forced to question your mental capacity, due to your poor grammar and spelling as well as the fact a child could figure out that tucking allows the bike to come up higher

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Proper riders tuck because it allows them to get the rear wheel higher without having your body all the way up.

Faggoty TGS riders who wear jeans too tight for my pencil tuck because they think it looks cool.

If your going real high sucking the bike up under you helps get the rear wheel on the ledge, but if you just tuck because your trying to look cool... your not!

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hence why top tgs riders do it and newb's dont

But that's where the problem lies- top tgs riders tuck to allow them to get up that extra few inches to make a 55" sidehop but 'newb's' do tuck as well because they see pics of people doing it and think that's the standard technique for any size wall.

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But that's where the problem lies- top tgs riders tuck to allow them to get up that extra few inches to make a 55" sidehop but 'newb's' do tuck as well because they see pics of people doing it and think that's the standard technique for any size wall.

Thats why i said top TGS riders, and not real top riders ;)

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How long is it going to take, to bury this "tuckage" business?

I can't remember who started the tuckage thread - but I believe we should go 'round his house and mutilate him, for what he did... Even though it started innocentley - look at it...

It's like manslaughter, instead of murder :P

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How long is it going to take, to bury this "tuckage" business?

I can't remember who started the tuckage thread - but I believe we should go 'round his house and mutilate him, for what he did... Even though it started innocentley - look at it...

It's like manslaughter, instead of murder :P

it was this guy

check out his picture hahahaha


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I am forced to question your mental capacity, due to your poor grammar and spelling as well as the fact a child could figure out that tucking allows the bike to come up higher

its funny how some people take the piss out of others not knowinfg them and that they struggle with proper grammer eg a mild form of dislexia so for your information mate your a fanny , apart from that i was only asking the question because some people lean to the side lots making it look like they are loosing there balance which made me think why do they tuck is it to help there balance,And to clear it up i would not usually sware on the forum but this is not the first time some one has taken the piss out of me not knowing wether i am mental in the head or have some thing wrong with me

Edited by dan more
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Aaah the old dyslexia line. There have been a fair few discussions about it in Chit Chat and the conclusion that we've come to is pretty much:

Stop being so f**king lazy.

There are plenty of dyslexic people on this forum whos posts are perfectly legible, they just put a bit more effort in when writing.

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I think the only good thing that came out of the tuckage thread was that people seemed to reach a general consensus that on-off sidehops = no dice :P

Speaking of - I guess you could argue that tucks make you lose your balance easier, seeing as it always seemed to be the guys going for the full on "self-head" look that always did on-off sidehops?

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