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Dt Project


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hey i go back school on wednesday and i've got a couple of things i'd love to do but i realize i wouldn't be able to and get a decent mark, it'd be nice to make a bike frame but i don't fancy the ally welding my next idea was a weird bike but i doubt i'd have time to do it, so i thought i'd do several little jobs but make three a priority to tart up dead nice and use the rest of the time abusing the cnc machine whilst halving my orders to tarty.

it has to be something related to bikes push bike or motorbikes but if it's not i'll probably loose interest in it, any one got any ideas or advice or anything to help me achieve a better grade?

also do you think i'd be able to send them off to be anodized? if so where and how much are we looking at?

UPDATE---------- decided to make a scrap metal sculpture and am at the research stage just need a few people to fill a questionnaire in will make a new post with the questions though

Edited by txt2007
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yeah i think i saw it, sprayed it red? i think i'm gonna go for the smaller projects that way i don't waste as much time and effort if i mess up and then i can submit for grading whatever i like/prefer but with my teacher being a trials rider and i have his beta in my shed i dont think he'll be too hasty with the red pen :P

i'd like to do something different to whats already been done, so just making a booster with my name in it isn't as creative as i'd like but nothings original anymore i suppose we just have to modify it slightly, anyone got any ideas on how to improve a bike part that could be done?

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Don't bother making a frame or anything like that. I did and wish I didn't bother. Its SO much easier to get high marks with something very basic. You're very limited with trials and bike stuff in general for ideas etc. If I had to do my A-level, GCSE projects again I would choose something simple and boring.

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I made a bike stand in my later years of school.

Was rather good acttually, I based it on a Park Tools one.

Quite easy to make and plenty to write about. I wouldn't bother with trials parts, they are too specific and will confuse your teachers and far too much explaining will be involved. A bike stand is a simple project that anyone can understand and relate to.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey i just need some help with my year 10 DT project, for the next two years i'm going to be designing and making a sculpture out of scrap metal(old automobile parts, tools an whatnot) no taller than about a meter


and as part of the research i need 10 people to answer a few questions

If other than provided answer just say... and delete the answers that don't apply

1)Would you buy this type of product? Yes OR No

2)If no why not? ______________________

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 0-49 50-99 100-199 200-299 OR 300 and above

4) How big? 20cm 40cm 60cm 80cm OR 1m

5)Where would you put it? Garden Shed OR (other) ________

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Garden centre Over the internet OR (other) ___________

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? Have lights Move Store/hold something OR (other)_____________________

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Rust Shiny Painted OR (other)______________

Any other comments you would like to add feel free

Thanks in advance =]

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1)Would you buy this type of product? No

2)If no why not? i have no use for one

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 100-199

4) How big? 80cm to 1m

5)Where would you put it? Garden Shed OR (other) i wouldnt have one but if anywhere it would be in my bedroom

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Garden centre Over the internet OR (other) internet, catolouges

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? Have lights Move Store/hold something OR (other) groovy light/led's/stobes. maybe a coat/hathanger

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Rust Shiny Painted OR (other) polished

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1)Would you buy this type of product? Yes

2)If no why not? ______________________

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 100-199

4) How big? 80cms - 1m

5)Where would you put it? Front Window

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Internet

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? Lights would be a bonus

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Shiny

Edited by Hendrix
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1)Would you buy this type of product? Yes OR No

2)If no why not? ______________________

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 0-49 50-99 100-199 200-299 OR 300 and above

4) How big? 20cm 40cm 60cm 80cm OR 1m

5)Where would you put it? bedroom

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Garden centre Over the internet OR (other) _both__________

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? hold something

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Rust Shiny Painted OR (other) chrome

Edited by BenLeacockâ„¢
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1)Would you buy this type of product? No

2)If no why not? Cost, not alot of use to me.

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 150-250

4) How big? 80cms - 1m

5)Where would you put it? Predomanent place in the house/ garden

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Internet

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? move?

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Chromed.

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1)Would you buy this type of product? No

2)If no why not? Doesn't look to be anything of any interest to me.

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? 150-250

4) How big? 80cms - 1m

5)Where would you put it? Bedroom ?

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Internet/Specialist stores

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? move/ Bust out some tunes yo

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? Chromed/Rusty/Gold ?

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1)Would you buy this type of product? No

2)If no why not? Waste of space (in the nicest possible way)

3) How much would you expect a product like this to cost? probably a fair ammount if the quality was high, way over £300 maybe.

4) How big? 1m (or bigger?)

5)Where would you put it? Garden.

6)Where would you expect to buy a product like this? Internet/Specialist stores

7)What special features would you like it to have/do? Hoovering/inteligent conversation

8) What type of finish do you think would look best? brushed metal/treated to prevent rust.

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