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Nick Hobbs (hobbsie)


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Yeah i know this is a poem, and traditionally, as mainly teenage males that'll read it on here, you'll not be the biggest fans of poems, but I've read this before, and it really struck a chord for me when thinking about DJ, Beau, Janon and a few others that have passed away i've known involved with riding.

It might mean somehting to others who read it too. Some might not like it but i htink it's quite fitting.

We ride with death a pillion,

a devils voice urges us on,

deny the risk,

ignore the perils,

we ride with hearts not minds.

We ride with life coursing through us,

childhood dreams creatng perfect lines,

through life we choose our path.

We ride with ghosts of friends,

the fallen who shall never know how often we embrace their memory,

how painfully we cross the tracks of tears.

We ride for we are one,

all family familiar we mourn our loss,

yet celebrate a life so short,

once full of hope that burns eternal.

We ride this rollercoaster,

crying your name for all to hear that you were one among us,

one of us now lost.

Climb on board my friend,

I will carry you with me wherever I go,

for you and I were kindred,

spirited to the end.

There is definately somehting that everyone who uses this forum has together. Some kind of family feeling...

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Don't know what to say, to be honest.

This guy always seemed to be the life of the party and his antics have brought a smile to my face on numerous occasions, while watching some older videos :) .

Sincere condolensces to everyone that knew him...

R.I.P. Nick Hobbs.

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Hobbsie!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F*CK! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I only saw him a week or 2 ago, he works for same co. as me!

Oh my f*cking god. WHY? He was the best.

This worlds f*ct up.


All my wishes and sympathys to his family. Ill sort a rememberance for him at work.


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I'm retired from trials but only just heard about this last night. Can't believe someone else i used to ride with is gone. I remember riding with him back in the day. Such a sound and funny guy. Should be going to adam spendloves at some point to see how he's coping. Very sad for another great guy to be taken from us. RIP Hobbsie.

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I dont come on here much or ride anymore, but when I did ride hobbsie was always a hell of a good laugh, When I look back on "trials" the moments I seam to remember and enjoy the most are those which involve hobsie, Nass, DJ ride and many others :(

Will be sadly, sadly missed. I am gutted.

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No f**king way!

NASS '05 wouldn't of been the same without him, along with the countless Portsmouth rides.

He made an impression on everyone and anyone within minutes of meeting him, and his impression will always last with me, a sad loss and it was a pleasure knowing him. Hell, i think he even came up with the Diet Simon name alongside Porter.

Lasting impression Hobbsie, lasting impression. :)

PS, if the family are allowing it, i'd very much like to attend the funeral if possible? :)

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I've only just found out about this.

I can't believe it. I've not seen him for a quite a while, but whenever we spoke or met up we'd always have a laugh.

He was the life and soul of any ride!!

My thoughts and condolences go out to his family and all that were close to him.

Such a great loss.

Hobbsie you will be greatly missed

Rest In Peace my friend xx


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i would also want to come down to pay my respects! whenever the date i will be sure to make it!

still remember nass 05! he was so bolloxed that he stumbled about, made sure he didnt fall into the pool , tripped over and put his hand straight into the bbq!!! good times. also the gt85 tennis ball!


Edited by Ben Cox
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Ive been sat here trying to think of something to put, but its one of those times that makes your mind go blank.

Hobbsie was a legend, such a laugh to be around. He'd never take anything seriously and that was such a refreshing thing to see. He was an amazing character and I will always remember NASS, funniest time of my life. I spent yesterday sitting down watching back over his appearences in TM1 and it just bought a huge smile to my face. Thats how he will be remembered!!

RIP dude, you will never be forgotten

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I rode with him twice, way back when he had the red pace and once in portsmouth.

Its accidents like these you think "This could have been prevented".

R.I.P buddy

Yeah i know this is a poem, and traditionally, as mainly teenage males that'll read it on here, you'll not be the biggest fans of poems, but I've read this before, and it really struck a chord for me when thinking about DJ, Beau, Janon and a few others that have passed away i've known involved with riding.

It might mean somehting to others who read it too. Some might not like it but i htink it's quite fitting.

We ride with death a pillion,

a devils voice urges us on,

deny the risk,

ignore the perils,

we ride with hearts not minds.

We ride with life coursing through us,

childhood dreams creatng perfect lines,

through life we choose our path.

We ride with ghosts of friends,

the fallen who shall never know how often we embrace their memory,

how painfully we cross the tracks of tears.

We ride for we are one,

all family familiar we mourn our loss,

yet celebrate a life so short,

once full of hope that burns eternal.

We ride this rollercoaster,

crying your name for all to hear that you were one among us,

one of us now lost.

Climb on board my friend,

I will carry you with me wherever I go,

for you and I were kindred,

spirited to the end.

There is definately somehting that everyone who uses this forum has together. Some kind of family feeling...

Never been a fan of poems, but I'll agree with you, this does strike a chord.

Edited by Trials Punk
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I simply don't know what to say. I'm in utter shock.

I've just been away for a few days and come back with the intention of sorting my house and money and uni etc stuff out, and I've honestly been sat here for 10 minutes just staring at the wall.

There just isn't anything left to say.

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Hobbsie would have had closer friends than me so first off, my thoughts are with them, and his family, there loss must be uncomprehendable as im a proper mess myself.

Cant remember when i first met hobbsie, some time when he had his team giant, so thats about 5 or 6 years ago, from then on i saw him on a weekly basis, often saturday and sunday rides with a few evenings inbetween.

When you hear people say 'i dont know what to say', i tend to read it and think nothing of it, but i really dont know what to say so im just gone list some of my (shared with loads of people too) fondist memories of him.

firstly theres there endless rides in southampton and bristol and pompy with the usual suspects, some of whom 75% of people hear wont of heard of off as they've quit, Paul Turner, James Noyce, Steve (fat steve) Dave Marshall, Dan Jones, Nick Mannings, cant think of the othewrs names right now.

the duck noise he used to do

his favourite phrase of 'f**k SAKE' lol

the tantrums over not making a line or his bike etc

falling in the pond in Southampton (overal one by power station)

the aviators off ebay, and the road trip to Portland Bill in Dave Marshalls mini van-awsome day (i'll try and upload a video i made but never released)

him stealing my Kenny Belaey every single second i looked away from it lol

him telling me about the time he rolled a JCB digger on his apprenticeship

Last time i saw him was in Lennons in southampton, he came in and my pretty dull night imediately sparked up, as did it for Joe (who shares my account), Morganic (unicycle rider) mate Lennon and Matt also, he had that carism about him that couldnt be ignored and whatever he done it made you smile.

The time before that was on my way to work, there i was, nailing it down J4 onto the M3 in my Fiesta, and this big yellow van starts flashing me and its right up my ass! I ignore it and carry on

driving, but i can see it in the rear view mirror weaving into the fast lane, trying to catch up with me. I ignore it again, next thing i know its on the left of me about to undertake. By now i was wondering what i could have done to piss this van driver off so much. its parallel with me but im reluctant to look over as im slightly intimidated. the vans horn goes so i look over... and there's Hobbsie hanging out his window with his thumb up shouting 'alright mate' - in his funny voice of his. next thing, we're having a chat out our windows at 70mph down the M3 in rush hour.

Only Hobbsie could do something like that, what a GOD of a friend!!!

Rest In Peace

P.S. i been on holiday for 10 days and only got back this morning, hense the late reply, joe only told me the news this morning on the phone on my way to work, same place as mentioned above incidently.

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the road trip to Portland Bill in Dave Marshalls mini van-awsome day

I'd forgotten about that! I remember taking him back to his house but couldn't think of where we'd come from. But yeah, that was an awesome day... happy memories coming back! He really was an amazing character who just made me laugh whenever he was around. Will be very sadly missed but never forgotten.

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Just seen this :o He was such a laugh met him a few times, just cant believe it! Sad :( RIP

Why don't we have just one ride, when we all come together to pay our respect to all the riders that have lost there lives? ;) What you think?

Edited by Nathan Coward
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I was thinking about that earlier. ^

One big memorial ride, or a few dotted around different places, so everyone could pay some respect?

i think that would be a great idea,

hobbsie was about one of the only riders ive met who inspired me when i rode with him.

wish i could only ride with him one more time.

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