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What Oil To Use In Hs33..


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water destroys your slave piston in the winter , do a summer bleed of water and a magura royal blood bleed for winter but give the system a good flush out 1st hope I helped .


after like 10 years :S

Water and a little anti freeze (Y)

Seems to serve everyone well in winter!

Do what this man says

dot 4

Your just gay if you do and will have to buy a new maggy leaver body soon

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Ive used loads of stuff. But water seems to work the best. Sounds daft but it does. Gives a sharper lever feel. But to be honest it's best sticking with Magura Royal Blood, because hydraulic brakes need lubrication and water is not the best lubricant.

The safest option is to use Magura royal blood. But theres other's that work. I've used WD-40, DOT 4, Royal Blood and water, and water is far the best and easiest.

Oli x

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