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Different Trials Comp.

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I'm trying to organise a demo comp sort of thing with some other people involving street and park riding, big freestyle jumping, and more important (in my opinion) trials riding.

So what we're thinking is setting up a street area with park and street stuff for bmx and mtb riders and then we already hav a big kicker for freestyle jumping. So that stuff's all sorted, at least in theory...

More difficult is the trials thing. Space is kind of limited, and so is what we can bring into the middle of the city where we are planning to set everything up. So a straight out UCI/BIU comp is pretty much out of the question. An ordinary demo can always be arranged. However, I think we may be able to get more riders and the audience more involved if we make some sort of competition within the demo format (people win can win prizes which pushes them which takes the riding beyond the boring "safe" level which pleases the crowd).

The question then is how the **** can that be done? Could something where you allow every rider to do whatever he can make out of the demo section for about 3 minutes and then when all the riders are done the audience get's to vote for which rider impressed them the most? Is that competition format ok from a riders perspective? Do you have any ideas? I'm kind of stuck...


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I suppose you could get blocks, that get higher in 2" increments - line them up, and have an inch-pinch comp.

Like - you get so many points if you can sidehop the 42" block, and so many points if you can tap the 46" block... But if you can tap AND sidehop the 46" block, you get tripple points - or something.

Extra points for inventiveness, too.

On/offs don't count - nor do abubacas.

Same with gaps.

Set up some that get gradually wider, and if you can gap to back, AND front - you get bonus points.

Any use?

Edited by Flipp
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Like - you get so many points if you can sidehop the 42" block, and so many points if you can tap the 46" block... But if you can tap AND sidehop the 46" block, you get tripple points - or something.

Trials is confusing enough for the general public, so if you start saying that if you can hook one thing at one height, tap something else at another height and sidehop something else at a different height that they get a certain amount of points, it's just going to be confusing. The things people seem to like most in demos is just showy stuff like gaps, nose hops and stuff like that. People are way more impressed by someone backhopping round without a front wheel than they are seeing someone do a really technical line. So yeah, I'd just try and keep it as simple as possible, and try and limit the amount of trials geekyness in it as much as possible. If you've got stuff like FMX, BMX and the like in there, then seeing someone do something relatively simple like a flip on a BMX is going to blow people away, so if they go from seeing whips and flips to seeing someone trying to sidehop onto a block, then try and tap it, etc., it's going to be a bit of a let down?

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