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Skate Video - Fully Flared

Brian Bleech

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How the hell can you computer generate a video with that amount of detail!!!! bloody hell.....some aspects must of been real otherwise the editing would of taken years....Amazing though....

The editing did take years. Even with that being real. Took about 4 years for them to get the video out.

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after watching closely i am more convicned its computer generated... Look at all the dust and crap, and look at their hair.. If they actually did that their hair would be all white. Look at 1:46 their is no way he wouldnt be covered in white dust from doing that it clearly sprayed him all over and when u see him closely he has none on him. Does anyone have an actual source saying that its not computer generated cause in my opinion the explosions look 100% cgi.. Its good cgi nevertheless..

buy seriously u think at 4:19 its real cmon lol...

o yeah and btw my girlffriend has big boobs.... not trying to say anything there....

Edited by sayshell
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Interview with Mike Capaldi

So the Intro to Fully Flared seemed a bit full on for you especially, was it scary?

I was scared for sure.

I think everyone could tell from the look on your face.

Dude, that was almost embarrassing, I was bummed on the gay face I was pulling. But when it happened it was just like BOOM. I felt like a heat wave and the heat pushed me with some acceleration and it was real loud, like the loudest thing I ever heard and as soon as I heard that boom my ears were just ringing.

So did they give you ear plugs or anything?

Na, cuz I was trying to skate with the ear plugs, but I need to hear to skate and my balance was all messed up. So when I did it, it was like the hottest thing I ever felt and it was the loudest thing I ever heard, so I was just trying to cover up. It was like when you pull the oven down and feel the heat, but it’s a huge oven, so that’s why I look funny. Seriously scariest shit I’ve ever done.

So was it a Spike Jonze creation?

Yeah, Spike filmed it and set it all up. I’m not 100% sure what really happened. I was just the dude they were like “let's have him do this” and I’m like “Alright”. But I think Rick, Ty and Spike all came up with it.

I think most of the 'dust' in probably smoke for added effect, plus any dust probably wouldn't have had time to settle yet.

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The explosions were real. Big write-up in Document or Sidewalk a while ago where they talked about it all. Someone nearly got pwnt when they were filming it too, they set the incendiaries off a bit early and almost killed one of the skaters. Would've been pretty sour.

Awesome vid though.

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