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Why Do Us Trials Riders Get Soooo Much Crap?


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It might just be me but a hell of alot of people give me crap for having a bike with no seat. I go for a ride in my town and people look at it funny but dont say any thing, then i go past a group of chavs or BMX riders and they start saying "were did your seat go" or "get a BMX" erm no idrather ride a good bike. I went into my local bike shop yesterday and asked if they could fix my chain tenchinor they couldnt because it was broke and i was running a cassette, i said "ok cool" just as i was leaving one of the workers said "get a real bike" me and a friend were just like what is a real bike he says well one with a seat,gears full suspention and point to a orange 223. I argue back saying well im a trials rider and i like the sport better he says "how can u like hopping on your back wheel, wouldnt you rather go down hills real fast" i siad "been there done that, plus any one can go down a drop what about up a wall" he says "well just bunny hop up a wall" i said "its not the same feeling" the every one from the bike shop gets involved talking about how on there BMX bikes and dirt jumpers they can do this that and the other......... But why is it trials riders that get crap why not xc riders or dirt jumpers.

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People like trials riders in my town because of a very good trials rider named mikey who lives across the road from me. anyway hes stopped now, not sure why actualy. anyway his skill made him popular and evryone respects him.so anyone trying to do the same is just given a quick glance and thats it. but hey dont let those goons stop you.

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  Trisandhisbt said:
lol sorry bad xan doesnt listen :@ and i couldnt do any worse soooooooooooooo shite i did

It shows.......

That shop must be a joke. Insulting customers...

But anyway, it's all jealousy. Trials requires more skill and time to be taken. Bmx is an easier sport, apart from flatland. As that is full blown commitment to practice.

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i asked a mate earlier about trials after showing them a vid

they cant even ride a bike

they were like WTF!! there soooo kwl etc etc

but mine has a seat

but then its only a onza t-bird LOL

oh and yh that shop sounds like s***

my local shop sells trials and one of the workers used to trials so its all gd (Y)

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You can either:

  • Man up and laugh it off, like the rest of us have been doing since we started riding.
  • Buy a seat, and endure all the other questions, such as why is your set so low, are those holes in your rims speed holes, and why is it a wierd shape.
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  mista-neos said:
It might just be me but a hell of alot of people give me crap for having a bike with no seat. I go for a ride in my town and people look at it funny but dont say any thing, then i go past a group of chavs or BMX riders and they start saying "were did your seat go" or "get a BMX" erm no idrather ride a good bike. I went into my local bike shop yesterday and asked if they could fix my chain tenchinor they couldnt because it was broke and i was running a cassette, i said "ok cool" just as i was leaving one of the workers said "get a real bike" me and a friend were just like what is a real bike he says well one with a seat,gears full suspention and point to a orange 223. I argue back saying well im a trials rider and i like the sport better he says "how can u like hopping on your back wheel, wouldnt you rather go down hills real fast" i siad "been there done that, plus any one can go down a drop what about up a wall" he says "well just bunny hop up a wall" i said "its not the same feeling" the every one from the bike shop gets involved talking about how on there BMX bikes and dirt jumpers they can do this that and the other......... But why is it trials riders that get crap why not xc riders or dirt jumpers.

Punctuation is accepted here, feel free to use it.

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Don't sweat it dude, if some people don't understand the offside rule in professional football, or how to boil an egg so that tv chef Delia Smith can show us how, then you will always get the odd idot/chav asking silly questions or talking crap. that is the nature of peoples ignorance.

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Save the few that take a positive interest - passer-byers give us a hard time.

They do this because it's something different, and - as sad as it is - society is scared of different.

They get very attatched to what they know, and as soon as something that doesn't fit in comes along, they scorn it.

It's human nature... Everyone's afraid of what they don't know.

Being that they know NOTHING of trials - they belittle it, as a way out of admitting their ignorance.

As for security guards - they're absolutely right.

More often than not - we're invading private property, and usually damaging it.

It's occasionally public property - but we still make a mess of what's cost the council (read: us) a lot of money.

I'll still go on places I know we'll get kicked off - but if they DO tell us to go - I go.

Through repetition of this - we seem to've worked up a decent relationship with them.

Both groups of people will always try to imply that they know what's going on - but that's purely because they have no idea what's going on.

It's life - get used to it.

If you really don't like the fact, then I suggest you quit.

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Speaking of people giving trials riders crap, i was started on by some 30-40 year old c**t today for cycling on a pavement, then demanded i gave him my name and address, what a nobend he was.

Edited by mcinnes
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  mcinnes said:
Speaking of people giving trials riders crap, i was started on by some 30-40 year old c**t today for cycling on a pavement, then demanded i gave him my name and address, what a nobend he was.

jw what is the law on bikes on roads/pavements?

because is it like 20" and above u have to be on the road or something like that?

i been trying to find that out recently

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It's the standard situation of people thinking they've worked out the correct hobby and consequently, that's what everyone else should be doing. It helps add validity to their own activity - security in their actions. Potentially also, there's an aspect of jealousy, especially if they have seen you ride. They know they can't do what you're doing, so they'll put it down so it seems like there's nothing to be jealous of. Jealousy often leads of knobish behaviour. I know that from having been a jealous knobhead in the past.

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I live in Kent and there is next to nothing to do for trials. We are currently trying to get the council to build us a skate/trials park, and the amount of stick we get for it is unreal, although there are a few ok walls, people complain about us jumping up them, they tell us to go somewhere else. I remember one time someone said they would wrap my bike around my head because of it, hehe. I think its mainly because most people think about the damage side of things, like if you chip a bit of the wall off because you use your bashguard on it. Also i think its beause there’s not many people who fully know about the sport.


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  echolite94 said:
I live in Kent and there is next to nothing to do for trials. We are currently trying to get the council to build us a skate/trials park, and the amount of stick we get for it is unreal, although there are a few ok walls, people complain about us jumping up them, they tell us to go somewhere else. I remember one time someone said they would wrap my bike around my head because of it, hehe. I think its mainly because most people think about the damage side of things, like if you chip a bit of the wall off because you use your bashguard on it. Also i think its beause there’s not many people who fully know about the sport.


yeah it is the same for me it was funny when the man said they would wrap my bike around kiwi's head but they is nothink to do round parkwood in kent there are some good high walls but not a lot really



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  Flipp said:

Save the few that take a positive interest - passer-byers give us a hard time.

They do this because it's something different, and - as sad as it is - society is scared of different.

They get very attatched to what they know, and as soon as something that doesn't fit in comes along, they scorn it.

It's human nature... Everyone's afraid of what they don't know.

Being that they know NOTHING of trials - they belittle it, as a way out of admitting their ignorance.

As for security guards - they're absolutely right.

More often than not - we're invading private property, and usually damaging it.

It's occasionally public property - but we still make a mess of what's cost the council (read: us) a lot of money.

I'll still go on places I know we'll get kicked off - but if they DO tell us to go - I go.

Through repetition of this - we seem to've worked up a decent relationship with them.

My security guards are great I live 10 Minits away from an industrial estate they let my come in and say stuff like " I bet you can't gap across that" they let me use all there pallets Cotten reals and loading bays . There gutted when i leave !

Both groups of people will always try to imply that they know what's going on - but that's purely because they have no idea what's going on.

It's life - get used to it.

If you really don't like the fact, then I suggest you quit.

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  mista-neos said:
It might just be me but a hell of alot of people give me crap for having a bike with no seat. I go for a ride in my town and people look at it funny but dont say any thing, then i go past a group of chavs or BMX riders and they start saying "were did your seat go" or "get a BMX" erm no idrather ride a good bike. I went into my local bike shop yesterday and asked if they could fix my chain tenchinor they couldnt because it was broke and i was running a cassette, i said "ok cool" just as i was leaving one of the workers said "get a real bike" me and a friend were just like what is a real bike he says well one with a seat,gears full suspention and point to a orange 223. I argue back saying well im a trials rider and i like the sport better he says "how can u like hopping on your back wheel, wouldnt you rather go down hills real fast" i siad "been there done that, plus any one can go down a drop what about up a wall" he says "well just bunny hop up a wall" i said "its not the same feeling" the every one from the bike shop gets involved talking about how on there BMX bikes and dirt jumpers they can do this that and the other......... But why is it trials riders that get crap why not xc riders or dirt jumpers.

it's different to them and most of them can't ride a bike to save their lifes.

most other riders/skaters i know just ask questions, holes in the rims? no seat? small cogs?

the ones that give you sh*t are just gelous ( if thats spelled right?) that you can ride it and they can't!!!

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