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Heatsink 24uk

El Cristoff

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Hey all,

just wondering if anyone else has ordered the new 24UK? ive been waiting nearly 3 months for mine and i dont really know what to do. Should i ask for a refund? I realsie that his family has just had a baby, but 3 months is a bit of a piss take.



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No, his is a mk 2, it's got all the brake mounts. Did you order a mk2.5?

Yeah, mines the 2.5

Have you contacted Steve?

Keep on badgering, with a lot on his plate you need to keep it fresh in his mind

Ive emailed him a hell of a lot, maybe i should try ringing?

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Cai ordered his and got it, but theres quite a lot of people waiting on Heatsink parts I think.

Cais is a Mk2 ^_^

cai's was off ebay

yer his was the one going around on ebay.

Edited by 0zzy
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i have the utmost respect for steve and what hes doing, but seriously!!! if the guy cant handle running the business and keeping his family happy, maybe he should employ some help or pack it in! its pathetic that people have been waiting for so long for pads, when any respectable business should have things posted out asap!!

sorry steve, enough is enough sort it out or maybe consider packing it up??


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I've been waiting for about 3 weeks now for some refills.

If you send an e-mail you get an auto reply saying he's just had a baby and sorry for the delay etc.

I know it's pretty bad to be taking so long to get things sent out, but we know Steve is a good guy, and theres a genuine excuse. I'm sure once he's got a bit of time everything will be back to normal, he's running a business in his spare time so he's going to need some slack now and then.

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I've been waiting for about 3 weeks now for some refills.

If you send an e-mail you get an auto reply saying he's just had a baby and sorry for the delay etc.

I know it's pretty bad to be taking so long to get things sent out, but we know Steve is a good guy, and theres a genuine excuse. I'm sure once he's got a bit of time everything will be back to normal, he's running a business in his spare time so he's going to need some slack now and then.

Yes but having a baby doesn’t stop you from sending a frame for 3 months.

I mean come on.

and I just ordered some pads about a week ago. I hope I don’t have to wait as long as some people

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Good news from Steve got this email this morning

Hi Bruce,

Good news! I will be sending your Coust Magura pads tomorrow morning by first class post :) If the Postie is on form then you will have them Wednesday.

Thanks for all your support and understanding during this usual time of new arrivals! Now that we're adjusting to our life with a 3rd baby, I'm looking forward to getting HSB back with a bang again :)

Best wishes,


He's back up and running (Y)

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I'm sure looking forward to see your 24uk when it's set up :D

I wonder how it'll look like with the slightly raised seat tube.

Im affraid i got a refund and went inspired, Steve claimed that the factory could be another 2 months and i wasnt prepared to wait that long. One day though, ill get one oneday :)

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