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Electric Or Acoustic Bass Geeeetar?


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My setup was always pretty quiet, so yeah, I guess it could be an earthing thing? Unless your active setups a bit odd, like overly boosted at some points? Got no idea what you can do with the Yamaha active setup, so I can't really think of anything else from o'er here. Couldn't you just flick over to passive if you're not playing?

Interesting fact: With my home-made bass, I accidentally had it setup so that if you turned the gain knob up full, it muted it...

Well, the weird thing the Yam does is, if it has no battery in it, it doesn't work at all


The honer which works without a battery, but it just can't go active. The yamaha is obviously active 24/7 when plugged in :S, or something along those lines. Home made bass? Ooo (Y)

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Yeah, low B < high C, fact.

Haz - if you're getting a 6, make sure you get a compressor pedal too, they're too frickin' good. Super useful, it made a noticeable difference to my sound (Y)

This is the same model as mine:


Only thing I wanted after that was a fretless 4...

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Get a fretless headless four, they're actually remarkably easy to play!

Am I correct in tuning my bass like this (5 string);






Not 100% sure, don't want to look an idiot at a gig for not being tuned correctly or something along those lines :P.

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'til it gets 1960's-ish, then you pay out the arse :P

But yeah, I don't really have the money to justify buying a new bass right now, and I hardly get to play mine enough as it is :( Really miss gigging now I've gone down to London, was talking to the guy who used to be in a band with me here a few days ago about some of our better (and worse :P) gigs, and it kinda brought it all back.

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You should hit up some jam nights in london then. Ain't Nothing but a Blues Club, just down from Waterloo. Blues night on a Sunday & Monday. There's a Jazz one I go to every now or then in Hammersmith, which is good. Both of these say they have "Seasoned professionals" playing, but they don't. I will say it's a better standard of playing than the usual pub bashing though ;)

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Then, sir. I have two words for you.

Muso Finder.

Show you want to join a band in London, and before long you'll be gigging again. I get a fair few gigs out of that, and as far as I know, you get 30 days free gold membership, then go back to standard.


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I guess so, but again, it's just not really what does it for me.

Not to mention bass solos come after guitar solos, which come after more guitar solos, which come after more guitar solos, which come after 'I've got a sweet intro for this, come in on bar 16'.

But yeah, it just seems like jams seem like big circlejerks, in a way. And if you're repeatedly going to a jam and playing with the same people week after week, you really might as well get some balls, form a band, and do it properly.

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