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Eno Skippage


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Is it normal for a brand new White Industries Trials ENO to skip on its first day of riding A LOT. It skipped like 10 times of lazy riding.....

So my question is did this happen to any of you ENO riders and is it going to pass away or I should return to TryAll?

Thanks in advance ;)

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Might have some grease there. How loud is it? Enos are never especially loud unless you take the blue dirt seal off, but if it's noticeably quiet it could be the grease from the main sealed bearing oozing out onto the pawls. There's a stripping-an-Eno thread in the FAQ, get involved...

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Thanks for the answers.

The freewheel is quite loud, not like a new King or TryAll.

I will disassemble it tomorrow and will put some oil in it if it is greased up...

If there's a mechanical problem I will be looking for my warranty...although my mate's one also skips a little...

Anyway I will try and fix things and thanks again ;)

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Thats the most unlikely thing I've ever heard, thats only ever happened to me when running a rear cassette with a knackered chain and no tensioner.

The chain is not skipping, what you need to do is strip it and clean it out, and also check the pawl order, I've heard them arriving with 3 long pawls and 3 short in that order, they need to be long, short, long, short, long, short.

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Well I opened it up, cleaned it up (by the way it didn't have any grease at all), put some oil on the paws' holes and closed it up.

It had some metally thingy in it (a little chip of metal) which I removed and hope it is from that thing that it skipped.

Thanks for all the answers, will write after I ride (tonight is a drinking night ;) )

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Yep. They were in the correct order.

I can't understand though why are they in this order....They engage 3 at a time right? So that makes one of the engagements with 2 long and one short and the other engagement is with 2 short and one long...or am I just an idiot....that's an option too.

Well whatever we'll see what happens in time.

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All the long pawls engage at the same time, all the short pawls engage at the same time. The engaged sets of pawls are arrangd in a triangle so as to reduce the tendency of the pawls to push the freewheel off line under load (Shimano freehubs and I think some of the Rolf ones have two pawls at 90 degrees to each other in their XC wheelsets to share load between the freehub bearings and the pawls, but in trials this arrangement would drive the freehub too far off line leading to failures). The difference in length between long and short pawls on an ENO is 1/72 of a turn and the ratchet ring has 36 engagement points... Not much more to say on it - it's a simple and very effective design if you use good enough materials (Like the ENO does).

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Just went on a short one-hour-ride.

It was great, thanks to all who wrote you were helpful ;)

Just skipped once, but then I realized my derailleur was out of the chain, so I guess then the chain skipped.

And psycholist thanks for the explanations around the freewheels :)

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naw man ENO is the way to go.

Ive had mine for a year now and its really nice, skipped only a handful of times.

I just rebuilt it but unfortunately i accidentally squirted some SA80 on it thinking it was oil.

W/E it works really really nice, hasnt skipped once since the rebuild and is nice and quiet.

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Ive had mine for a year now and its really nice, skipped only a handful of times.

I've had my king for 2 solid seasons of riding now, and I'm the second owner of it. It's NEVER skipped.

I still think it was just the chain skipping, it can take time for a used chain to bed into a new cog. Or sometimes a new chain is mandatory...

Edited by Jason222
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