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:d So Proud Of Myself


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So i went out today with a few mates and one spent like an hour with me until i learned to pedal hop :D also known as tap. I wasn't really wanting to do it because it's how my mate died but now i can do it it's so easy and not half as scary as it was when i was practising it. Oh yeah and when i went to show another mate how easy it was my brake pad fell off and the backing snapped off the pad :blink:

Edited by SkiLLz
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Funnily enough I did my first tap on a mod today too. To be honest it was by mistake and I can do the up easily without tapping, so I guess my timing was bad, but I still like to think of it as a tap.

I second the above comment too.

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Yo man you can die from tapping, damn.

I mean like if you tap your head against a speeding buzzsaw or something but.....

Im sorry how man, im soooo curious.


PS: not trying to diminish his sacrifice to the sport just saying like i thought trials was prety safe soooo....?

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Yo man you can die from tapping, damn.

I mean like if you tap your head against a speeding buzzsaw or something but.....

Im sorry how man, im soooo curious.


PS: not trying to diminish his sacrifice to the sport just saying like i thought trials was prety safe soooo....?

Not much need for that attitude? The poor lad lost a friend.

There are many things that can happen, especially without a helmet. Things like a big drop, my friend once kick hopped off without releasing his back brake, did a front flip and landed to his neck-6ft to your neck can quite easily be fatal (he came out of it very sore luckily).

Trials is far from safe, thats part of why we all find it so much fun.

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Yo man you can die from tapping, damn.

I mean like if you tap your head against a speeding buzzsaw or something but.....

Im sorry how man, im soooo curious.


PS: not trying to diminish his sacrifice to the sport just saying like i thought trials was prety safe soooo....?

More than once have I thought you need to refrain from spewing your ridiculous opinion.

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