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Web Design Using A Mac


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Hey chaps.

I've got a Mac and was basically wondering what my options are for web design. I don't mind buying a few books online to help me out but I'd like to know I'm not wasting my time, if there are better programs to use and such.

I've some programming experience in c so don't mind getting a little technical if needs be.

Thanks everyone


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Dreamweaver and Photoshop have been pretty good for me. Got the Adobe Premium Suite. iWeb isn't too bad for basic stuff (but it's too basic).

Give me a shout if you want the premium suite; and if you know how to burn a dmg file to disk :P.

It's the whole bundle!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Dreamweaver and Photoshop have been pretty good for me. Got the Adobe Premium Suite. iWeb isn't too bad for basic stuff (but it's too basic).

Give me a shout if you want the premium suite; and if you know how to burn a dmg file to disk :P.

It's the whole bundle!


* Creative Suite.

Yeah CS3 is okay, photoshop, dreamweaver and illustrator mainly.

I learnt everything I know from Danny, Google and Jon, and I know enough to do decent sites (in my opinion obv haha..)

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I hope to god that you didn't buy a mac and think ill have a bash at the webdesign because i have a mac...

If you doing it for fun, get some books, get some google and have a play. If you want to do it to maybe get serious in it, do something different with your web design there are 14milliontrillion (i duno i just made that figure up) people that do design and code website. Think of a different approach, because you will spend the time learning the languages now and then realise there's no real sustainable use for it because the market is flooded.

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A designer does all the artwork basically and has idea of how it will look.

A developer will take the designs from the artworker and do all the technical stuff, coding and stuff to put it very basically to make it actually work on the internet. Without developing it, the artwork would simply be an image that no-one could interact with.

This is a very basic description, but hope you can understand it a little better now

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To the guy who asked if I bought a mac so I could have a go, the answer is no. I bought it beause they are cooler than pc's, and I am therefore cooler than you.

Infact, that was sarcasm.

I originally bought it to run Logic 8 on, as it's integral to my uni course and partly also to run Xcode.

Thanks for the help guys.

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