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Trials With Gears

J Trials 31

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I am going to still be running gears with it. So I will get a trials 6 speed hub and a mixed up cassete with gears from about 12, up to 22 teeth I think. Do I need a front freewheel for this or a cog? Does it engage in the rear? Also, what is the best out of the way trials derraiulerr (spelling)? Anybody know the wheelbase of an STP?

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I am going to still be running gears with it. So I will get a trials 6 speed hub and a mixed up cassete with gears from about 12, up to 22 teeth I think. Do I need a front freewheel for this or a cog? Does it engage in the rear? Also, what is the best out of the way trials derraiulerr (spelling)? Anybody know the wheelbase of an STP?


the best way to run gears on a trials bike is keep it simple , the best mech to have is a cheap shimano sora but it has to be a short cage as there is less to hit , when you set up your chain length put the bike into the lowist gear ( bigist cog ) and make the chain as short as possible , you can run gears with a front freewheel but if your rear hub is a freehub then u need a cog up front idealy .

you need the some gears that would actualy be relavent to trials i mean theres no point have 4 that are to hard to pedal hop with and 2 that are right , try and find a cassete with nice close ratios aswell as in 1 tooth difference . also set the deruiler properly as then it shouldnt skip and set the hi and lo (Y)

good luck if u need anymore help message me

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It's a good idea to run the chain as short as possible - just make sure it'll handle the lowest gear. I used to run a 22T chainring and an 11-23 cassette and it was fine. If you're running a front freewheel it makes no difference (Provided you can get a fixed freehub hub :) )...

Try to set the chainline so that the gear you use most for trials lines up perfectly with the chainring - otherwise you're more likely to get the chain skipping every so often.

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It currently has a 22 front chainring and a 9 speed 11-19 tooth rear. My problem is it doesn't have a rear disc hub, so I'd have to get a new hub which means I can't run the same gears. Also, worried about engagement. Will it be good enough to do pedal kicks and gaps and stuff?

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I was tempted to do fixed rear 8 spd, it would allow you to use the try-all FFW, which would thus give you superior engagements over a rear freefreehub. I couldn't do it cus the gear hanger dropout is f**ked and I can't get a new one.

It might work out cheaper, it also lets you change gear whilst freewheeling - the chain is still going.

Onza do a disc rear fixed freehub, so you could get that and a ffw, less than 100 quid. Might cost you 110ish, 120 for the full setup. Compare that to, say, the price of a hope pro II trials.


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I didn't know you can run a cassete on a Chris King or a Hope? Tarty have one of those Onza hubs? That might be a good idea.

Just so you know, I'm new to the gears. I've been on a mod my whole life and rode a stock for a very short while when I was starting out.

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I didn't know you can run a cassete on a Chris King or a Hope?

You generally run cassettes on splined hubs.

The chris king one is a full length one, the standard hope pro II is the same. The pro II trials one, is 6spd only though, it's shorter.

The onza hub idea is cheaper and cooler :)

I wish I could do it :( Only hope would be to get dmr hanger-tensioners.

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Thanks Revolver. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go the Onza route. Looks like a brilliant idea considering I can use my same cassete and the WI freewheel I have laying around. Will probably have to get new cranks though. Cause I'm not sure if they are ffw.

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If they have a screw thread on em, FFW should work.

Show us some pics/vids when it's done!

Yeah will do, it will be a while though cause it will take some time to fully upgrade it and money too. Where did you find that Onza hub? Couldn't find it on Tarty.

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