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gu trials

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hi, when your out riding and you see something you want to do and you know you can do but something is putting you off doing it (the height, the width) what do you do to make yourself do it ? do you just go for it and hope for the best or do you hesitate for a while ?

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I definitely hesitate for a while. Maybe gain confidence on whatever the move is by practising on something else first, then come back to it. Sometimes I just try to work out what could go wrong - e.g. check clearance by lifting the bike over the obstacle. Watching someone else do it first sometimes helps to gain confidence - i.e. seeing that it can be done.

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I was in the exact same position yesterday, a drop gap to a 2m wall. I was 70% sure i could nail the gap, but if i fail i would fall of a 2m wall. So i rode away and came back after practising the same gap on a 20cm wall. The thing about trials is that you can always take your time and practise till you're completely ready (except the bike malfunctions ofc).

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I jump the gap without the bike, then pick the bike up and make it move the way I want it to move for the gap-helps me with visualization- then give it a go on the bike. Kinda lame but moving the bike across the gap-if you can reach from ground- help me tons.

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either the,

if he can do it i can


i wanna be the first

Its definately more the latter ... as i saw Ohler ride in Bristol the other day and im pretty sure the first one doesnt apply ...

Sounds weird, but its kinda because I want to see other people do it too, by being the first and maybe inventing something - its going to creep into the norm ? (cant quite work out how to say what I mean here)

Anyway - finally doing something youve slugged your guts out trying to do is a great feeling.

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It's just a case of getting it into your head how much you want it, for me. Like I know I'd feel really good if I did such-and-such a move, so I make it seem worthwhile to myself, sort of...

Generally it's just the "You'll feel awesome if you try it and do it, or pissed off if you don't even give it a go" thing. As soon as you try something once, you'll probably keep going at it 'til you do it, so it's just getting that first try sorted, really.

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My trials method, if i don't do it i'm gonna feel stupid later and all these people will wonder why the hell i've been sat here staring at a wall for 10 minutes.

Jumping method, ride at it like a mad man then even if i hitmy brakes i wont stop and i have no choice to do it.

Second is usuallymore effective but has nastier results if it goes wrong.

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