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Tonsillitis - Anyone Had It As An Adult And Had Their Tonsils Removed?

Mr Plod

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Hey all.

As the title says really... Anyone had Tonsillitis as an adult and had to have their Tonsils removed? If so what was your procedure like and how painful is it after Surgery? Had it last week and it cleared up at the end of the weekend but it's come back even worse now and so I'm on Antibiotics but the doctor hinted that I may have to attend the hospital so was just curious as to the procedure and pain...

I must sound like a wuss but I'd rather get the problem sorted and get back to work asap.


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I had it about 8 times one year, to the point where breathing hurt sometimes. But I've always been too much of a wuss to have them out, and the doctor said it's not really done so often anymore either, not that I would've anyway :P

Not much help really, sorry ^_^

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Had mine yanked 2 years ago. Not to bad, just couldn't eat solid food for a week. On the bright side the pain killers where the best ever. It was a outpatient thing for me, didn't have to stay over night.

If you have not taken a lot of antibiotics they should do the trick. I had it (the infection) about a dozen times that year before they decided to cut them out (or is it a singular it?) Gargle with salt water several times a day-like 10- that's the only trick I learned. It will help you to get well quicker. And yes adult onset is rare, but not unheard of.

Good luck, oh and forget about spicy food-that will burn your tonsils and hurt like hell.

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I get tonsilitus real bad, even put me in hospital a year ago but they won't take them out for some reason. One of the methods i discussed with my doctor though for removal was using radio waves to cut your tonsils off or something like that, supposed to be pretty pain free and very fast recovery but it was still at an early stage of development. Maybe search the net or ask your doctor about it, my doc was well up for it but it owuld have meant me going to Reading and i don't like the south.

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I had it about 8 times one year, to the point where breathing hurt sometimes. But I've always been too much of a wuss to have them out, and the doctor said it's not really done so often anymore either, not that I would've anyway :P Not much help really, sorry ^_^

Same here, as long as antibiotics work, I won't have them out.

My dad had them removed when he was about 18 or 20, that was 50 years ago. He said it's pretty unpleasant and there's quite a lot of blood but it was worth it. Apparently he hasn't had a sore throat since :blink:

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I brother had his removed a couple of months ago.

He is 20, was resting/eating non solid foods for about a week and felt a bit bad, then got better and kept it easy for another two weeks (the hospital said about 3 weeks off work, just to minimise the risk of infection with other people).

He used to get it alot and is now really glad that he had them removed, he also said how he used to wake up in the morning with a really congested/clogged/sore throat (even when he wasn't suffering from tonsilitis) but since having his tonsils removed he hasn't had that in the mornings anymore.

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