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Sidehop To Your Forward Foot.


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Ok so i sidehop to my forward foot... I can get about 35". what I know is that you cant have a cool tuck :( Also, alot of people say you can go "higher" sideing to your bad foot. Surly this is wrong? doesnt make any sence at all. And please, explain how( if it is) this is true.


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A couple of months ago I started sidehopping the opposite way to my lead foot (The officially correct way since it allows you to get closer to the wall before taking off) after spending the previous decade+ sidehopping in the other direction because it was easier to hop sideways in the direction of my forward foot. It takes some getting used to to change sides, but currently I'm can clear 26" in either direction (which is almost as big as my sidehops have ever been) over a tape and am still working on developing any kind of a tuck or loading the front wheel to pivot the bike onto obstacles, so I'm not dissatisfied with progress so far. I'm still a lot more confident hopping on to things in the direction of my lead foot, but I can see the technical benefits of going in the other direction. I'll continue practicing hops in both directions from now on...

Which foot you lead with or direction you hop in shouldn't affect whether you can tuck either unless your legs aren't flexible enough to tuck down to both sides of the bike.

Edited by psycholist
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going the bad foot means you can get closer an hugg the wall so you can go more up and less across.

Perhaps if you can only tuck to the 'correct' side of doing it, that's another reason why you can squeeze extra height out of your sidehop.

If that's the case, f**k the tuck, I'll do it the wrong way like I already do :P

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I hated sidehopping to my bad foot side, so I only did to my good foot side, and I could get over 45" pretty consistently.

EDIT: I'm aware people go bigger than that, etc., I just meant you shouldn't feel you're limited by doing it if you're doing 35" now. Just stick with it (Y)

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I always used to sidehop to my forward foot side. One day out of boredom decided it was time to progress since i was pissed off with some natural lines being impossible for me since i always hop facing the other way. So i start off on a small wall and began sidehopping the "correct" way. A few months down the line i can sidehop both ways just as high. Infact my "correct" side feels nicer for some things, i feel like i can put more power in to it. However if im having a shit day my original way is always top stuff ;). Im loving natural now... learning both ways opens up so much more since you can effectively do everything both ways now not just sidehops. I often forget which is my good/bad side and just go for stuff really helped me progress a lot over this summer.

Oh also, i noticed sidehopping to my forward foot i often went frontwheel first. Sidehopping the "correct" side i go to two wheels everytime. When you say you cant tuck etc going to your forward foot side id say thats purely down to your technique as i practiced sidehopping on to rails with my forward foot first side.. and it forced me to land two wheels/tuck. Planting front wheel just simply didnt work. So maybe give something thin a go and concentrate on going to two wheels ;)

Edited by munkee
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Another argument for not being able to get so high when going in the direction as your forward foot is that tucking the bike into you is a lot harder due to your leg/foot position.

You'll see that Tunni has a really weird tuck, and in one video he sidehops over really high tape whilst on a mod (in the tuck he pulls the bike is hardly into his body and legs all twisted).

I learnt to my correct way, sucked at it and always clipped the rear wheel.

Learnt it my incorrect way, got about 33" the first day I tried it, but I didn't like the fact how I landed front wheel way before the rear one (it was like cheating, and I couldn't sidehop over things this way).

So I went back to my correct way and eventually learnt how to sidehop as high.

As a result, I can now sidehop both direction (one cleaner than the other) but still a sidehop none the less.

To be honest no matter what it looks like or feels like, if the bike gets you from floor to wall in a sideways fashion then its a sidehop, and if it gets you up big walls even more bonus.

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Good thread!

I always used to sidehop the 'incorrect' way, with my chocolate foot into the wall. I decided after two years to try the 'correct way'...now I can sidehop pretty much the same height both ways. The main things I would note is that when I sidehop my favourite way (incorrect way) I usually go slightly front wheel first and I also can't tuck, I can do 7 blue pallets this way, it looks strange on video as I literally don't tuck whatsoever. When going the other way however (correct way) I always land two wheels perfectly, and I tuck, still can only get about 2" short of the other way though.


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I go the wrong way and have spent a little time trying to learn the correct way(my timing is off). I clipped my pedal going the wrong way on my highest sidehop and that has scared me because it gave me a bloody elbow. I need to get practicing again.

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It don't bother me to be honnest i tryed goin right (right way) when i rode stock for a while just as i didnt wana hit my mech but gave up when i got back on the mod as it then didn't effect me it feels more comftable and i do it smoother and biger so i don't see the point in forcing myself to go the otherway :)

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I've always gone to the left (i'm left foot forward) and decided I should try going the 'correct' way to the right about a year ago.

I can definately get higher going to the right, though i'm still a bit sketchy and it still feels odd.

I can get about 46" to my right and 44" to the left. I still can't tuck AT ALL though :(

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i've always sidehopped the wrong way. only ever got to the 32" mark. now after coming back after 3 months off the bike through injury im trying to learn to sidehop the "correct" way. i can only get wheel height or so, but i definately feels like the bike is landing more ontop of the wall and on two wheels. where as going the "wrong" way it was always to the front wheel.

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I find the same thing with font wheel first landings when I hop in the direction of my lead foot. There is definitely a height benefit to going front wheel first because you can pivot the back wheel up by loading the front and the bike spends less time in the air and can be controlled more precisely with a wheel on the ground. Practicing hopping over a tape removes the front wheel first option too, so you can compare hops to each side more honestly. I'm still a lot more confident hopping onto things in the direction of my lead foot, but over a tape both methods are pretty even. One thing I can't seem to sort out is leveling the bike at the top of the hop (the dreaded tuck :P)- my front wheel is always about a foot higher than the back, so that's height I'm losing out on...

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