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Half-link Chain


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I'm assuming when you mean narrow you mean the width of the chain, or sometimes reffered to as the pitch.

The cogs on trials bikes (freewheels and fixed cogs) are mountain bike pitch (bmx pitch is slightly larger).

A mountain bike pitch chain can fit this kind of cog/freewheel but not a bmx kind.

However bmx pitch chains are larger and will fit both kinds.

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The pitch, as far as I know, is the distance from pin to pin in the chain, which is always 1/2"? The width side-to-side of the chain varies from either 3/32" for a MTB to 1/8" for a BMX, I think. I usually f**k the numbers up on that...

Either way, I don't think there's a narrower half-link chain available simply because most of the time, MTB riders will be rocking a mech or chain tensioner so they don't need them. If people are running horizontal dropouts and *might* need one, then they'll generally be running singlespeed and a fatter chain anyway.

But yeah, either way, I wouldn't bother with them. They stretch a lot more than regular chains, and I've not been too impressed with the actual quality of the side plates and pins themselves. I had a few links from the most expensive chain, the Shadow Conspiracy Interlock V2, and that was a bit bollocks. Bearing in mind that one costs something ridiculous like £25 too. So yeah, I'd just get a 'normal' chain then blag a half-link off someone if you need one. If you don't, don't bother (Y)

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Can I get a narrow (not bmx) half-link chain somewhere? Or can I just buy a bmx half-link chain? Has anyone used a bmx chain on narrow (usual) sprockets?

Steer clear of them dude they dont run smoothly because of the extra thickness an mine snaped on me today an was an expensive so stick too the norm. Mtb chains

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Yes you can use a bmx chain on the narrow sprockets. I have a bmx half link chain on my bike and it is fine. It's quite tough too. I have had it for about 6 months now, no links or pins have broken unlike my old mtb chain which i broke 3 times in 2 months.

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