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Need Insurane Help

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hi everyone,

ill get straigh to the point my zona zip was stolen out of my back garden a few weeks back and we have clamed we have told insurance about it and said it was worth 600.

how much would you think i should get back :rolleyes:

and i clamed on house insurance

when we rang isurance they rang halfords and they send a form to fill in asking what parts were on the bike so we filled it in and sent it back,then halfords sent it back to theinsurance and we are waiting for a reply from insurance


so would you be able if you know tell me ruffley how much i would get back...

thanks liam :)

Edited by rideing ridic
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If you told them it was worth £600, that's how much you will get back :)

If not...Go cry.

i will go cry :D joke :|


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Edited by rideing ridic
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Edit: Meh, can't be bothered to argue.

Why bother posting do you have any experiance dealing with insurance companies?

You just seem to talk a lot of crap all the time.

You seem to be annoying a lot of people nowadays, you should keep quite for a while and post when you have something worthwhile to say.


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Why bother posting do you have any experiance dealing with insurance companies?

Yes i do, I had my old trials bike stolen and when I went to claim on the house insurance, they told me it was not a normal bike so they could splash out on the money for me :S

So "rideing ridic" you will get nothing from the insurance.

Play nice children.

Sorry :(

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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Yes i do, I had my old trials bike stolen and when I went to claim on the house insurance, they told me it was not a normal bike so they could splash out on the money for me :S

So "rideing ridic" you will get nothing from the insurance.

so why didnt you say that at the beggining???? jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

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Yes i do, I had my old trials bike stolen and when I went to claim on the house insurance, they told me it was not a normal bike so they could splash out on the money for me :S

So "rideing ridic" you will get nothing from the insurance.

Sorry :(

funny that i have had two bikes stolen and claimed twice on the house insurance, both bikes where non standard and worth far more than the policy said it would cover.

got a quote from the bike shop and guess what, they paid out the majority of the money with relatively no fuss.

do you know what policy he has - no

so 'Callum-Luvs-Trials' you dont know what your talking about.

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How much you get paid out will depend on the details of your insurance policy, so we can only guess to an extent. From what i know you are able to claim stolen goods on your insurance if its covered in your policy and they will then payout the value of the goods, after a few checks. Basically you will just have to wait and see what they say.

Ps. i hope you get all the cash you are after ! :D

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