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Hook Up/pedal Hop


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It seems every time I attempt to do this I fail miserably :( my mates tell me because I'm left footed I should have my right foot at the top and when I pedal I should raise the front a bit then with my left foot just explode into a hop. Sounds easy enough but problem is, I can't keep the front raised and when I go to hop I feel as if I'm going to land so far back on the rear wheel I'll just fall on my back side. Does anyone have any more advice/tips that could help me nail this?

Thanks ~ SkiLLz

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R right, you mean a 'tap'!

I learnt this before I could pedal kick :P We used to call it the 'wheelie 2 bunnyhop' - as you pedal with the front wheel lifted (only half a crank rotation though), and then hop (this is when you kick with your front/chocolate foot). It's seriously one of the easiest move out there! Just make sure your confident on the back wheel for when you land.

Also when I rode 20" I never actually tapped the front wheel on the ledge, when I rode 26" I did and now that I ride 24" I still tap the front end (but there just my weird techniques :P).

What I mean is don't copy other peoples techniques! I tryed to copy Ozzy's as he could do it first, but he's right foot forward (I'm left foot forward) so copying that just buggerd me up as I couldn't pedal kick when I landed :lol: Just don't be affraid of failing the first couple of times, and eventually you'll start improving your technique to suit you!

Its possible none of that made sense, but a hope a helped a wee bit...

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