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lol. Certainly not a genius for posting this! :giggle:



I just don't get why people get so lazy when they sit in front of a computer. It's not hard to spell words right, it's just people get into the routine of spelling it wrong then can't get out of it. Maybe it's because Adium and Safari both have spell checkers built in, so I've learnt over time to spell things better? Or maybe I'm just a pedantic fanny.

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blah blah blah... Safari blah blah... I'm just a pedantic fanny.

Explains a lot :P.

It's not really lazy though- they're actually typing an extra letter when they spell it wrong. Maybe we just have a high population of secret French speakers in our midst... I do use the Firefox spell checker thing quite a lot, if only to highlight typos.

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Explains a lot :P.

It's not really lazy though- they're actually typing an extra letter when they spell it wrong. Maybe we just have a high population of secret French speakers in our midst... I do use the Firefox spell checker thing quite a lot, if only to highlight typos.


The thing is if you get into bad habits now it just makes it harder to get out of them. That's why I never spoke in "txttlk". When applying for jobs or writing letters to people (and in exams) its far too easy to get stuck in the text talk mindset, you end up making loads of mistakes and wasting time going back over what you've written to make sure it's right. Also because you're used to seeing the words spelt wrong, you'll probably skip over them because your brain doesn't recognise that it's been spelt wrong.

Anyone else find that?

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Lazy text talk is a fitting metaphor* for today's youth. People should be more disciplined, and have more self-respect. Kids should want to learn how to spell and present themselves properly. Also, there'd probably be less debt, less people generally f'cking up their lives aged 15-17, and less fatties.

*For true emphasis, pronounce like Ted Maul, i.e. mah-taff-uh

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I just don't get why people get so lazy when they sit in front of a computer. It's not hard to spell words right, it's just people get into the routine of spelling it wrong then can't get out of it. Maybe it's because Adium and Safari both have spell checkers built in, so I've learnt over time to spell things better? Or maybe I'm just a pedantic fanny.

Its not laziness though, more a continuation against a trend of words similarly ending in "ous", like anonymous, prestigious and concious. The fact that genius isn't spelt the same way looks wrong to a lot of people because it looks like more of an American dumbed down spelling, like color. I think we really know who to blame here, the Americans. They've butchered the English language so much that when people see genius now they don't see it for the Latin word it used to be.

In ancient Rome each man had a Genius and correspondingly, women had a Juno (note that the recent film titled Juno was a reference to her intelligence). Basically these Genii and Junones were ancient ancestors that were thought to guard over their descendants, over time they became thought of as closer to spirits or gods that granted a person with great intelligence. And a sacrifice was given to ones Genius or Juno on their birthday.

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In ancient Rome each man had a Genius and correspondingly, women had a Juno (note that the recent film titled Juno was a reference to her intelligence). Basically these Genii and Junones were ancient ancestors that were thought to guard over their descendants, over time they became thought of as closer to spirits or gods that granted a person with great intelligence. And a sacrifice was given to ones Genius or Juno on their birthday.


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A little more violent than that...

"Until 1814, the full punishment for the crime of treason was to be hanged, drawn and quartered in that the condemned prisoner would be:

1. Dragged on a hurdle (a wooden frame) to the place of execution. (This is one possible meaning of drawn.)

2. Hanged by the neck for a short time or until almost dead (hanged).

3. Disembowelled and emasculated and the genitalia and entrails burned before the condemned's eyes. (Another meaning of drawn.)

4. Beheaded and the body divided into four parts (quartered)."

5. The five parts (the head and four 'quarters') were then displayed to the public on pikes to show the consequences of treason.

Combine that with a savage (though probably brief) raping from Fat Pants prior to all that and it's a pretty nasty way to go.

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Yeah, hung drawn and quartered was the punishment for treason - which I just read, as i posted, in your post :lol:

Some harsh shit that!

Also, you missed out that in England we used to stick the quarters of the body onto pikes around the outside of the Tower of London. - Oh, and the head.

Damn, how is Fat Pants gonna get up those pikes to rape the 4 quarters of his body?

Edited by Revolver
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