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Why Can't Dyslexic People Learn To Spell...


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I'd have said more that because they aren't very good with numbers/writing they naturally lean towards the more hands on stuff at school, such as art...

See, you do understand it. You got it pretty much spot on mate, according to the art departments dyslexia specialist people who struggle with writing and maths because of dyslexia and form negative associations with them, which makes visual activities such as art and sports far more appealing. Apparently the associations can be made so early on in a child's life that they don't even know they are dyslexic. If I'm being honest i think of myself as being competent at both reading and writing, though i do continually read the same lines of a book sometimes and if it wasn't for my spell checker on web pages there'd be a tonne of spelling mistakes in what i write, although i'm unsure as to whether this is actually dyslexia or spazzy typing fingers.

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Another symptom of dyslexia aparently is when reading, reaching the end of the line, and then going back to the next one and not been able to get the right line. I do that all the time too.

I've done that a bit.

I can't count stuff very well, lol. Dunno why. If at work, i'm presented with 12 cans of summat, i have to arrange them to be easily counted. Also, if I get a reduced item, which normally begins, 91000000, but sometimes 910000000, and sometimes different still, it's difficult to make myself count the zeros. I normally press the 0 button, and count each one. But to look at them and know how many there are just by looking, i can't do it very well.

Same with maths, when I do maths in my head it feels like such a challenge to keep all the numbers in my head at once. It's a weird sensation, I can't describe it except for it being a challenge.


Dyscalculia, is it?


I used to be badass at spelling, I can spell most words, even words I've never seen before. But recently, sometimes I catch myself hesitate a little. Today, I very nearly even used the wrong 'your'. When I'm draconian about that, even with myself.

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I can't do maths in my head at all, not even working out change or anything, I have to use a calculator for everything except adding up whole numbers, like 156+45. See, it's 201.

EDIT: I got it wrong.

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I can't do maths in my head at all, not even working out change or anything, I have to use a calculator for everything except adding up whole numbers, like 156+45. See, it's 201.

EDIT: I got it wrong.

My times tables were never that good, I can do 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10, n stuff like that, buth others I need to add the numbers up.

Also, I CAN work out change, but wereas the till does it instantly, and a good maths person in few seconds, it might take me... 20 seconds ?

I'm normally right though, haha.

I hope I'm normally right... :unsure:

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Thats one thing I do that annoys me the most and stops me reading books. I'll read the same line again and again because I cant go on to read the next one.

I do this frequently and find it only happens when I'm reading from a book or magazine, it's quite annoying. I'm not dyslexic, I think it's more due to loosing concentration or something. Some kind of mental spiral or something. The same way in which I believe some people make them selfs believe they are dyslexic because there spelling/grammar isn't good which gives them the mental idea that because they think they're dyslexic there spelling/grammar suffers.

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I do this frequently and find it only happens when I'm reading from a book or magazine, it's quite annoying. I'm not dyslexic, I think it's more due to loosing concentration or something. Some kind of mental spiral or something. The same way in which I believe some people make them selfs believe they are dyslexic because there spelling/grammar isn't good which gives them the mental idea that because they think they're dyslexic there spelling/grammar suffers.

Hit the nail on the head with that one. Ive spoken to people who've gone "oh yea Im dyslexic, because I cant spell properly". It seems to be this common misconception that if you cant spell, you're dyslexic. Could it be that you just... cant spell??

The problem with dyslexia is no matter how many times you read something, it will always read the same. I was reading something out loud once and it said plot, but I was sure it said Pilot and kept saying to the teacher, "noo it says PILOT" and getting myself really confused. I couldn't read this word as plot, no matter how many times I looked at it

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Hit the nail on the head with that one. Ive spoken to people who've gone "oh yea Im dyslexic, because I cant spell properly". It seems to be this common misconception that if you cant spell, you're dyslexic. Could it be that you just... cant spell??

The problem with dyslexia is no matter how many times you read something, it will always read the same. I was reading something out loud once and it said plot, but I was sure it said Pilot and kept saying to the teacher, "noo it says PILOT" and getting myself really confused. I couldn't read this word as plot, no matter how many times I looked at it

Your saying that by being dyslexic, you see words differently, I have a smiliar problem, but as I said before by reading more I have learnt to take it slow and be more detailed when reading, go over every letter, and making sure I dont miss any letters out, thats how I read now, I will even read over a good few times to also understand it...theres tones of types of dyslexicly( ok il admit I have no idea how to spell that word) and we all have different dificultys when it comes to reading, spelling or maths, sometimes people need to understand that! I also have no idea what my point is! haha!

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First off - no offense intended to those with dyslexia! But I read something a while back about how having dyslexia is really no different to just being a bit shit at writing. If you take someone with a low overall IQ and someone with average IQ + dyslexia, they will perform similarly in tests of writing, spelling etc. The difference is that those with dyslexia may be gifted in other areas such as maths, art etc. But I have to admit I don't really know what the current 'consensus' on dyslexia is.

There's some medical student who has just taken her medical school to court because her dyslexia apparently makes multiple choice exams harder, so apparently the school are putting her at a disadvantage. I presume she also finds other things hard, like writing prescriptions and making patient notes. But who cares about that? We have to be fair to everyone now... Madness if you ask me. :rolleyes:

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First off - no offense intended to those with dyslexia! But I read something a while back about how having dyslexia is really no different to just being a bit shit at writing. If you take someone with a low overall IQ and someone with average IQ + dyslexia, they will perform similarly in tests of writing, spelling etc. The difference is that those with dyslexia may be gifted in other areas such as maths, art etc. But I have to admit I don't really know what the current 'consensus' on dyslexia is.

There was, or still is a big 'Dyslexia: Is it a Myth?' debate. After 100's of Millions of pounds of investment by the government on reading. The figures for children that find reading/writing challenging have hardly changed.

There was a Dispatches documentary on it a while ago. Here.

Basically highlighting that the best experts in the world couldn't tell the difference between someone who was just rubbish at reading and someone who supposedly had dyslexia. I think that's how the debate got started anyway.

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the best experts in the world couldn't tell the difference between someone who was just rubbish at reading and someone who supposedly had dyslexia.

I think the reason for that is that from the outside, it would look quite the same - they're unable to read as well.

However its what the person in question experiences that counts, like NBRcycles and plot/pilot.

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Not being able to spell or read is one thing, but its when you know "how" to spell and read, but what you are seeing on the paper differs from whats actually there.

Its like those pictures where when you look at it, 90% of people will see a Vase, but 10% will see a face. The eyes and the brain work with each other differently, which is where you get the problems.

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Naughty Naughty :P.

Sorry; I'm just in one of those moods ;)

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