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Why Can't Dyslexic People Learn To Spell...


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Okay, so there are a few people on here who are dyslexic I would imagine, my question is, why can't they learn to spell? I don't mean that in a harsh way, but most dyslexic people use a spell checker, so they get the words right, so surely by using a spell checker over and over, you can learn to spell words correctly?

Maybe I'm wrong, but what do you think?

I'm not speaking from experience here cos I'm a f**king genius :D .

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Ok, so there are a few people on here who are dyslexic I would imagine, my question is, why can't they learn to spell? I don't mean that in a harsh way, but most dyslexic people use a spell checker, so they get the words right, so surely by using a spell checker over and over, you can learn to spell words correctly?

Maybe I'm wrong, but what do you think?

I'm not speaking from experience here because I'm a f**king genius :D .

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Dyxlesia isn't that the person can't learn to spell, that would point to low intelligence/laziness. Dxylesai affects the way that the brain 'sees' the words and letters which form them. Therefore someone with Dsxyliea are unable to form the letters into the right order, and even if they know how to spell something, they may be unable to read what they've written correctly or distinguish between what's right or wrong. I think.

Edit: No offense intended to anyone who suffers ;).

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Its not that we cant learn to spell, I think without suffering from it yourself, its hard to understand.

The way it works for me, is that I will reverse letters and numbers, but no matter how many times I read it, I will read it correctly.

For example the only reason I did ok in my maths exam was because I showed all my workings out, but I got nearly every answer wrong. They saw that I started off with the number 45, but by the end of it, I was working with the number 54. In my english exam I would spell words but in the wrong order. You have to read things ever so slowly to be able to pick it out. Like I say its hard to explain

It hits people in different ways, and I think a lot of people that claim they suffer from Dyslexia, don't really and just use it as an excuse.

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Dyxlesia isn't that the person can't learn to spell, that would point to low intelligence/laziness. Dxylesai affects the way that the brain 'sees' the words and letters which form them. Therefore someone with Dsxyliea are unable to form the letters into the right order, and even if they know how to spell something, they may be unable to read what they've written correctly or distinguish between what's right or wrong. I think.

That explains a lot, as does this

Its not that we cant learn to spell, I think without suffering from it yourself, its hard to understand.

The way it works for me, is that I will reverse letters and numbers, but no matter how many times I read it, I will read it correctly.

For example the only reason I did ok in my maths exam was because I showed all my workings out, but I got nearly every answer wrong. They saw that I started off with the number 45, but by the end of it, I was working with the number 54. In my english exam I would spell words but in the wrong order. You have to read things ever so slowly to be able to pick it out. Like I say its hard to explain

It hits people in different ways, and I think a lot of people that claim they suffer from Dyslexia, don't really and just use it as an excuse.

Thank you very much. I've come across people in the past like you said, who claim they suffer from dyslexia, but in reality they're just lazy. It's very hard to understand without suffering from it, hence me questioning it. Your posts are always well written, well punctuated and have correct spelling, but I often see other people make spelling mistakes in their posts and when you pull them up on it they get offended and claim they're dyslexic.

Thanks guys :)

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I'm always reading things wrong but I don't think i'm dyslexic. I've never been good with english, but I have improved a hell of a lot mainly through using this forum.

I don't think people should have a go at someone because they pick up on their spelling mistakes they should just take the advice and try to learn a bit.

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They thought I had dyslexia when I was at school, but it's basically just reading and handwriting, not writing. I've always been pretty good at spelling, above the average anyway. They then realised I could read at an adult level though, so I was diagnosed with severly spakish handwriting and sent out of the spesh class into the normal one.

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Bit of trivia knowledge for you. People suffering from dyslexia usually find visual images easier to learn and manipulate, so they can pick up things like japanese/chinese language a bit easier. Also for the same reason, a high percentage of art students suffer from dyslexia.

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I belive I suffer mildly for Dyslexia, but never done anything about it. I was in those 'special classes' at school which were a waste of time.

I can't write b's and d' very well. I can sit there for 10 seconds and think about it and i'll still end up using the wrong one. Another symptom of dyslexia aparently is when reading, reaching the end of the line, and then going back to the next one and not been able to get the right line. I do that all the time too.

I think it also effects other areas of how the brain works too. When i did a-level maths i could never put quadratic equations into brackets unless it was a very simple one. For people who know how to do that most will find it quite simple, I felt that had something to do with my brain not been able to cope rather than me just being stupid.

I've also worked on a till for 3 years. If the total came to 34.54 and they gave me £40. It would take me forever to work out their change. Good job the till did it for me.

But then again i can spell ok. :turned:

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Another symptom of dyslexia aparently is when reading, reaching the end of the line, and then going back to the next one and not been able to get the right line. I do that all the time too.

Thats one thing I do that annoys me the most and stops me reading books. I'll read the same line again and again because I cant go on to read the next one.

The worst thing was in English classes where you used to take it in turns to read a book out loud. I always used to look away when the teacher was selecting people, otherwise it was really embarissing when people find out you cant read.

Edited by NBRCycles
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Thats one thing I do that annoys me the most and stops me reading books. I'll read the same line again and again because I cant go on to read the next one.

"Use a ruler" they say.

f**k that i'll watch a movie.

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Okay, so there are a few people on here who are dyslexic I would imagine, my question is, why can't they learn to spell? I don't mean that in a harsh way, but most dyslexic people use a spell checker, so they get the words right, so surely by using a spell checker over and over, you can learn to spell words correctly?

Maybe I'm wrong, but what do you think?

I'm not speaking from experience here cos I'm a f**king genius :D .

Im Dyslexic, and it took me a while to improve my speeling(I meant to miss spell it, to make it funny), I jsut began to read more books, and after a good few months of solid reading my spelling has improved, b ut Im still not the best at it..I dunno what it is, I think you have to say the word slow to spell it, thats what I do, id rather not use a spell checker...but since I started reading it help me get an A in int2 english in 5th year!

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