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Is The Earth Flat?

Dr. Nick Riviera

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  moctezuma said:
all laws of physics would all (probably) be deemed osbolete if this were the case. (maybe not all directly)

why would this need a discussion? or am i just close minded

Dr Nick's original post never intended to start a discussion on this. Read it again. He says that while to you and I the earth appears flat, it is a sphere.

This difference between what Dr Nick sees and what is the truth, insightfully makes Dr Nick ask: "what else do I see and believe is so, when actually the truth is completely different?"

Kind of like how you might not be aware that there is anything around you, but in actual fact there is 14psi of air pressure squashing you all the time, and without this your blood would boil.

Or how you might not think that an aeroplane on a conveyor belt (matching the planes absolute velocity in the opposite diection) would not take off, when in fact it would.

Was that a good idea?

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  Extreme_biker0 said:
Dr Nick's original post never intended to start a discussion on this. Read it again. He says that while to you and I the earth appears flat, it is a sphere.

This difference between what Dr Nick sees and what is the truth, insightfully makes Dr Nick ask: "what else do I see and believe is so, when actually the truth is completely different?"

Kind of like how you might not be aware that there is anything around you, but in actual fact there is 14psi of air pressure squashing you all the time, and without this your blood would boil.

Or how you might not think that an aeroplane on a conveyor belt (matching the planes absolute velocity in the opposite diection) would not take off, when in fact it would.

Was that a good idea?

hm yeah i shoulda read it properly, so about this plane thing. are you saying its velocity is zero then on the belt?

if thats the case id say the plane doesnt take off. there is no relative motion between the air and the wings. so id imagine no pressure created

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  Extreme_biker0 said:
Or how you might not think that an aeroplane on a conveyor belt (matching the planes absolute velocity in the opposite diection) would not take off, when in fact it would.
  moctezuma said:
id say the plane doesnt take off. there is no relative motion between the air and the wings. so id imagine no pressure created
  Boumsong said:
The plane takes off.
  JT! said:
No it doesn't.

Oh god.

Jet/propellor driven airplane. Engines create thrust without relying on friction between the ground and tyres. Plane will accelerate pretty much as if it were on tarmac, though it's wheels will be spinning faster than in the tarmac case. Conveyor is effectively irrelevant. Plane takes off. Pilot wonders what all the fuss was about.

Plane on conveyor...



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I remember the whole falt earth society episode, oh god don't bring this all up again, that was possible the most frustrating few weeks of my life, spent arguing with those people. A bunch of us went on there until we realised they cannot be argued with. I mean a bunch of people who believe the earth is flat have gotta be pretty good at denial!

Every conceivable argument you could come up with they had some stupid answer for, which usually involved saying "Have you ever seen the earth from space yourself" "How do you know that the astronaughts aren't lying" or "The government want you to believe that". They all claim to have done a series of "experiments" conclusively proving the earth is flat, but they refuse to share their "data" with anyone as we would only deny it.

Load of old rubbish, I got really wound up with them. What's even more annoying is there are people on there who dont believe the earth is flat specifically, just that they are open to the possibility, this means they argue with EVERYONE.

Quite simply these poeple are geeks with nothing else to occupy their time. I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so bloody annoying!


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While I do believe the Earth is an oblate spheroid, I believe that there ARE a lot of things that humans simply cannot prove and can only estimate to the nearest degree of accuracy or probability.

For example, we don't know why we exist or (now the contraversy) how we came to be. Sure we can say we evolved from single cell organisms over billions of years, but in all truth this is just a probability of occurance. Albeit a very high probability based on our findings as humans. For all we know we could have materialised from dark matter in a flash of random brilliance in the universe, sure the probability is extremely low of such a thing happening but it is a possibility. We simply just don't know, we can only estimate based on probablity.

Now here's the interesting part. Quantum probability waveforms. There are (technically) an infinite number of reasons for any given occurance, as mentioned above some are highly probable whilst others are downright near impossible. I say "near" as nothing is impossible, just the probability of it occuring tapers off exponentially. While the probabilty waveform exists containing all possibilites and outcomes, we simply cannot measure it and find it's true value, as to measure it would change it and thus the probability waveform collapses. We're still in the dark.

So our best bet is to examine and theorise the most likely of the outcomes of a probability waveform and then make educated guesses as to the most likely based on our experiences as humans. For example we can predict that certain systems will behave in certain ways... Thanks to our development of physical theories. Whilst they may hold true for the most part, there is no way we can prove them 100% true for all occurances up to infinity.

I guess whay I'm saying is that people can believe what they want. Anything is possible, we can just guess on what is most probable.

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  Mike Deere said:
bla bla bla, quantum this, waveforms that, bla bla bla


Anything is not possible, this isn't a Disney film. There are things that are not possible, it's not possible for me to jump over a 100 story building for example, or for a car to suddenly become a person, or for me to be cut up into tiny pieces and still live. These things are not possible.

What are you chatting about?!?


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  Davey said:
it's not possible for me to jump over a 100 story building for example, or for a car to suddenly become a person, or for me to be cut up into tiny pieces and still live. These things are not possible.

That's the point though, it's not impossible, just highly improbable that those things occur. When you get into Quantum Mechanics, even scratching the surface, what the logical human brain thinks it knows is simply thrown out the window.

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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
That's the point though, it's not impossible, just highly improbable that those things occur. When you get into Quantum Mechanics, even scratching the surface, what the logical human brain thinks it knows is simply thrown out the window.

Is u sayin' I is fik though? cuz I aint even fik!

Well I'm out of my depth, if I do see a car turn into a person I'll be sure to let you know that you were right and I was wrong, haha.


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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
When you get into Quantum Mechanics, even scratching the surface, what the logical human brain thinks it knows is simply thrown out the window.

For example, going down into nanotechnology, aluminium is supposed to be explosive.


We all ride explosive bikes!


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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
That's the point though, it's not impossible, just highly improbable that those things occur. When you get into Quantum Mechanics, even scratching the surface, what the logical human brain thinks it knows is simply thrown out the window.

That's because of the limitations of dualistic knowledge which is essentially conceptual knowledge - all conceptual knowledge IS dualistic. The act of breaking up the world into parts or bits (this and that) is false and thus inherently limited. There are no divisions between things, only an interconnected stream of difference - what is not existence? Quantum mechanics shows us that the subject and the object are NOT separate (despite the success of much dualistic science) and you can't understand one without consideration of the other also. Any attempt to measure quantum phenomena simply causes us to disturb that phenomena. Consequently the measurement is truly in terms of both the subject and the object. So then we try an attempt to include the subject in our measurement of the object, however this creates the same situation over - subject vs. object - with the new object representative of the previous subject-object relationship. Thus we need to create another subject vs. object, wherein the object is the previous subject vs. (subject vs. object) - in other words, subject vs. (subject vs. (subject vs. object)) whereby each bracket is symbolic of another object. This process continues, ad infinitum. Dualistic knowledge can seemingly never be proven to a complete end - you would have to be able to step out of existence in order to do so (clearly not going to happen). The famous mathmatical work of Godel supposedly revolves around this idea, that ALL systems/ideas/models must have an unprovable assumption. Interestingly, individuals such as Schrodinger, Eddington and Heisenberg, essential figures in quantum physics talk of a second type of knowledge which is non-dual and transcends the difficulties previously mentioned. Their statements looks VERY similar to the statements of mystics - I'm pretty sure they are both refering to the same situation. This knowledge, called "prajna" in Buddhism, or "Brahman" in Hinduism, "Day-break knowledge" in Christian Mysticism has been attempted and supposedly attained by mystics. Their terms are often synonyms for "god" but don't take the word too literally or you'll miss the point, which isn't a word and isn't dualisitic - it certainly doesn't mean the experience of a bearded chap sitting on a cloud. Instead it represents an experience, or higher reality, in the sense it's not distorted by ideas (dualism) whereby there are not things, just an ineffable connected experience.

Edited by rowly
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