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Is The Earth Flat?

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Stumbled across this on another forum;


now whilst it's perfectly obvious that the earth is an oblate spheroid and there is more than enough evidence to convince me of this, it led me to wonder how much 'fact' we take for granted.

for example, people who shoot down creationists, but have little or no working knowledge of evolution

So who really are the deluded idiots? and who is making a valid argument?

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I think that you always take a gamble with any conceptual idea in the absence of first hand experience. You need to weigh up the variables and calculate a likelihood. From my position I wouldn't ever say definitely that the world is spherical, simply because I haven't seen it as such apart from a slight indication on the horizon from a great hight. I'm far more inclined to say it is than the idea of it being flat however!

The thing is, he has a point that we do take for granted many ideas as common sense. We need to do this to a degree in the sense that life would be unmanagable if you questioned everything on every occasion but at the same time being open to revise our 'common sense' seems sensible in that what consitutues common sense continually changes as we 'better' understand the world through scientific means and otherwise - the future society will probably mock us for a great deal of our common sense just as we do to those individuals that hunted witches. Most of us just accept the programming of a society and our development and don't question or change it even though we might be constantly suffering from it. I think the point is that not many really understand that they are programmed.

Edited by rowly
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I think its a good discussion. I personally don't believe the earth is flat but i've never been into space to have it proven to me. I think a lot of people do hear things and just believe them I'm guilty of doing that myself. Here's an Example. If you drown its not because your lungs have filled with water. The body has a natural reaction to stop your lungs filling with water.

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The disc-world we live on known as earth accerlates upward at 9.8m/s^2. That it the effect we know as gravity.

If anyone wants to dispute that fact. Bring it.

Gravity is a lie sent by liberals to separate us from the truth.

Flat-Earthers; UNITE!

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The disc-world we live on known as earth accerlates upward at 9.8m/s^2. That it the effect we know as gravity.

If anyone wants to dispute that fact. Bring it.

Gravity is a lie sent by liberals to separate us from the truth.

Flat-Earthers; UNITE!

What stops the air rushing down at us then?

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If anyone wants to dispute that fact. Bring it.

Read the comments at the bottom of the BBC link and you can prove that the Earth is categorically not a 'disc', it has to be some form of spheroid. Therefore your theory falls apart. Otherwise Australian's would effectively be able to jump twice as high as someone in the Northern Hemisphere due to the effect of your upward motion...

The real 'flat earthists' must be taking the piss, surely. Nobody's that ignorant/stupid.

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Haven't been on there in ages! Had some fun winding the 'flat-earthers' up on there!

I went on there once, turns out 99% of the pople on there didn't belive the earth was falt and just liked the idea that it could be and just liked to debate about it.

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What stops the air rushing down at us then?

Air is part of the earth and thus moves upward with us as one large entity.

Read the comments at the bottom of the BBC link and you can prove that the Earth is categorically not a 'disc', it has to be some form of spheroid. Therefore your theory falls apart. Otherwise Australian's would effectively be able to jump twice as high as someone in the Northern Hemisphere due to the effect of your upward motion...

The real 'flat earthists' must be taking the piss, surely. Nobody's that ignorant/stupid.

Australians as people are actually not able to jump as high as people from the norther hemisphere, but due to the disc world they can. Look at mammals in the UK such as the badger, and then look at the kangaroo. If they were able to switch continents, a badger would be able to jump as high as a kangaroo and a kangaroo would be stunted, and not a very adequate jumper at all.

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