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Onza T-bird Brakes


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i have had a onza t-bird for a couple of month now and it only has cable brakes. i don't find these to be the best for me really. i would to buy some hydraulic brakes. can anyone advise me anywhere to go that is cheap(ish).

but from what i have been told i would need and old style on the rear and a new style on the forks.

confused me a bit that does.

any help?



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i have had a onza t-bird for a couple of month now and it only has cable brakes. i don't find these to be the best for me really. i would to buy some hydraulic brakes. can anyone advise me anywhere to go that is cheap(ish).

but from what i have been told i would need and old style on the rear and a new style on the forks.

confused me a bit that does.

any help?



infact i just found these


can anyone tell me in what way they fit onto the bike?

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HS33's are a good idea my t-pro came with them. but with v-brake mounts you have to order a speshial adapter which my friend did and it did seem to do the trick. Hope i have helped a bit !!

Adam (Y)

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Yeah HS33's are good, but if you wanted disc brakes you would need to change the wheel so it had a disc mount on it. But The Hs33's do need an adapter so they can be used with a standard V-brake mount.

HS33's cheaper option i prefer Disc on front wheel dont know why but thats preference HS33's are good though.

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Yeah HS33's are good, but if you wanted disc brakes you would need to change the wheel so it had a disc mount on it. But The Hs33's do need an adapter so they can be used with a standard V-brake mount.

HS33's cheaper option i prefer Disc on front wheel dont know why but thats preference HS33's are good though.

The new onza site may help...


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Ignore everything that this thread had put forward to you.

No, the brake/mounts you found on Tarty will not fit,

You can use a Magura Hs33 but will need Evolution Magura Mounts.

They're pretty poor to be honest, i found them hard to live with.

If I were you I'd buy a good v brake, something from the Avid range, an SD7 or an Ultimate and some good pads.


Hope that cleared things up a bit mate.


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I'd like to give my input on things..

I have an onza t-bird aswell, and I have to agree that the standard brakes arent the best option.

The link to the magura EVO mount adapter in previous post didnt work for me so here is the correct url:


I also agree with BJ Hymes that the EVO mounts are annoying and hard to live with.

I have them on my main bike, and although the braking is top-notch, its a real pain to get them setup Just the way you want them.

The little "plastic" adaptor thingy, which you use to fasten the top part of the brakemount, is all bent and doesnt fit so good anymore. (atleast on my bike)

A new frame with 4 mounting holes in the rear would be nice!

But hey!

Dont let this stop you, because the hs33's are really good, and you will definately be pleased with them :)

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