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Saving Weight

stunt man t

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right, now im a man on a mission

(or just a bored bloke sitting at home alone) lol

ive just cut off some knobs off my rear tyre to save weight,

ive also grinded some off my bash plate and pedals

but im looking to save a lot more weight then that,

without sacrificing then strength of my bike.

was just wondering what people have done to save weight on there bike?

if there is a certain way to drill frames? or any thing else

and where to drill them? so i dont kill it

was even thinking about striping the paint???

thanks (Y)

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if you run disks then drill sidewalls on front rim, reduce material on brake levers, drill lever blades, strip paint as you mentioned.

i know you would like to save weight, but i really wouldn't risk the strength of any components for grams which wont make the bike ride particularly any better or easier to ride.

this is however my own opioion, good luck :)

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Best thing to do is ride on your bike as it currently stands, then when you get to Expert/Elite level of riding, all the differences to weight will make a dramatic and beneficial difference to your riding.

I am not at that level, but it's known to work, reason why some athletes use heavier items when training (American baseball teams often use a practice bat which is heavier, that way the weight difference when it comes to a real game is much more noticeable and easier to move).

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Best thing to do is ride on your bike as it currently stands, then when you get to Expert/Elite level of riding, all the differences to weight will make a dramatic and beneficial difference to your riding.

I am not at that level, but it's known to work, reason why some athletes use heavier items when training (American baseball teams often use a practice bat which is heavier, that way the weight difference when it comes to a real game is much more noticeable and easier to move).

thanks for the comment mate,

was the only one that was any use,

and it makes sence when you think about it

Have a tug on yer d*ck as much as you can the night before. Blatently saves weight! ;)

Ohh and what Owen said, dont think hes joking, he did mine for me :lol:


i allways do so need to find other ways mate ;)

if anyone out there has driled there frame,

can they please tell where they drilled it, and how?


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If you really want to drill your frame, the least 'frame life effecting' places to drill are;

-the headtube

-what should be our seatpost :P

-the dropouts

-the part of the bb yoke that stretches out to meet the chainstays (you know what I mean)

-the built in booster if you have one

-also removing bash plate mounts help

theres a couple of ideas for you...

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Your riding a T-Pro mate your not exactly the best out there so you might aswell just leave it.

telling someone they arent the best out there because they ride a t pro? rofl.. joeb rode a tpro for yonks at ymsa comps and he won expert, along with slinger back in the day riding one i believe.. hows bike got to do with how good you are?

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Well look at his DP and stuff.. you never hear of him making great amazing videos so.


im not an expert at trials,

but what has that got to do with saving weight??

are only pros allowed to have light bikes??

"sorry sir, but i cant sell u this bike because you arnt very good"

dont make sence

i just want i light bike and was after ideas

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whats point in weakening your bike when your still a bit of a basher.. you might aswell just wait until your realllllly good and then make your bike lighter so you improve that bit more but meh thats what i'd do.. up to you i guess.

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People still don't seem to understand that saving 100g from a bike is far different to saving 100g from a rider

I you want a light bike, feel free to try stuff

Pretty much anything goes if you're sensible about it, check out threads like Tarty Adam's/Stan's bikes for ideas if you need them

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I have looked in some previos topics about weight saving and in one I read about helium. I had thought of it myself and then looked in here, if someone has thought of it, too. Some said, that if you fill your tires with helium you get only about 20 grams, but one rider said, that helium has negative weight molecules (if i remember correctly) and they make helium filled things fly. Not only because helium is lighter than air, but those molecules somehow make things fly. I'd like to hear something about weight saving with helium, if anyone knows something about it or have tried it.

Edited by Reinis.
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Helium has a weight, but it weighs less than air (1 mol of Helium weighs 2g, while a mol of air is a little under 29g - 1 mol of any gas will occupy the same volume (22.4 litres IIRC) at a given temperature and pressure). It's the difference in mass per unit volume (density) that makes a lighter than air gas buoyant in air. There's no such thing (In current technology) as negative mass, AFAIK even physics antiparticles still have positive mass, dark matter definitely has positive mass. Look up anti-gravity on wikipedia for a discussion on what negative weight might constitute, but they're pretty pessimistic on it's potential to exist too based on relativity theory saying that gravity is caused by the curvature of space.

There are certain areas in Canada where gravity is below average - move there or to the equator (Where the spin of the earth is trying to fling you off more than at these latitudes and you're further from the centre of the earth thanks to the oblate spheroid shape of the planet) to improve your hopping height :P...

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I don't think thats right. Someone that knows a bit more than me will tell you

CP (commercially pure) titanium is about the same yield strength as 4130 chromoly, the triton frame is made from russian OT4 which is about 4% aluminium, 1.5% manganese.

For reference the hope titanium bottom bracket spindle is 6al4v (6% aluminium, 4% vanadium) and has a yeild strengh of 1100Mpa whereas 4130 has a yield strength of 360Mpa.

Ive not found a specific yield strength for OT4 but I reckon its about half way between the 2, the fact its as strong as or stronger than chromoly should mean that its not going to fail :)

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