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Isn't It A Pity...

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Jon, where's the need? This topic was started purely to cause arguments and pissy little remarks, wouldn't take anything said in here seriously.

If you're going to try and undermine my thread, at least have the decency to forewarn me, actions like this could severely harm my reputation you know...

Also, it was actually aimed towards how it's been adopted as a badge of honour, rather than the humorous label it once was.

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If you're going to try and undermine my thread, at least have the decency to forewarn me, actions like this could severely harm my reputation you know...

Also, it was actually aimed towards how it's been adopted as a badge of honour, rather than the humorous label it once was.

I don't need to try and undermine this thread, it was like that from the very first post. Wether you like it or not, TGS is a branch of trials now, it's up there along side natural, comps and street. It's a good title too. All the letters are nice and close together on the keyboard and it rolls off the tounge. A year ago people used to refer to it as 'street' which was confused with the type of riding we see from TM vids / dvds. When i first got validated i got into a big argument purely becuase street was used as a lable for two very different styles of riding. So i'm glad to see a new lable becuase it was definatly needed.

I can't quite work out if your issue was with the new lable, or the type of riding. If it's soley the lable i think i've said all i need to say, if it's the type / style of riding let me know because i've got a lot to say about the ignorent people who think TGS is anything less than a different type of riding.


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Its gay cause the people who have been riding for too long and should have quit back when they where good say its gay.

personally can do all the gay 360s and street shit but i think i look a clown so i dont do it :S

the tgs lads seem more up for a laugh than the compy/street riders aswell from the ones ive met which is a fair fewww

rofl a mod should warn this noob for being a complete ignorant twat flap

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can someone tell me if im a TGS rider or not!??

I want to know whether im included in the TGS slagged off crew!? Yes i know, im vein, but until i know, im not sure who I want to tell to shut the f**k up in this topic!?

So if someone would let me know asap, this would be much appreciated

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people ride how they want, some of you clowns may choose to ride circus bikes and pretend your on 3 gram bmxs.

others like to ride TGS and look less of a spastic, doesnt matter if your having fun does it.

No, TGS looks like a geek fest, and in fact looks more spastic (with all these contorted moves) and more like athletics than it does bike riding.

And my problem is that people aren't riding how they want - they're riding how they see the majority of other riders do it. Yet again it's just some kind of useless conformity. People think now that to be good, you have to be able to tick certain boxes for T, G and S - it's why we have the measurement frenzy. "Oh, if I can do 50, I'm good!". It's like back in the day when everyone seemed to think that to be good you had to be 'sponsored'. If I truly thought people were doing TGS for themselves, it wouldn't bother me as much, but it just appears that so many do it because it's 'the thing to do'.

And all that 'you knock it because you can't do it' shit sucks. Back when I rode a lot I could bash out sidehops and gaps to reasonable sizes (at least, reasonable for those times!! ;)) but it got boring. You'll probably find most of the people who knock TGS can't do a 56" tap* but it's because they have no desire to, not because they've tried hard and failed. But of course, the TGS mindset probably can't understand how anybody could possibly not want to be able to do that.

TGS is a branch of trials now, it's up there along side natural, comps and street.

Man, that makes me cringe.

*tap is gayer than s!d - can we have the swear filter change tap to something else please mods?

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Here's the difference as I see it, and why I can't stand the "TGS" mentality.

I do taps, gaps and sidehops but, and here's the clincher, I do them linked up into a motherf**king line.

You lot do a tap. Or a Gap. Or a Sidehop. That's not trials, that's practising one element of trials at a time and never actually using them together to make something worthwhile. Sure, I've sat there practising gaps till I'm totally sick of them, but generally only because it's part of a line that I want to dial.

You seem to have people who have a dig at TGS as people who dont do those moves. We do, but we do something with them. You TGS boys would probably be f**king awesome if you just thought outside of those 3 little letters. And do your homework, there's some of those guys who "should have quit while they were good" who could probably still shit all over your s!ds but on a natural line as part of a comp.

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same, down to fronts are were its at.


Yeahh. man knows where its at.

Im a full tgs rider, not going to say something im not. all i ever do is go out and do a sidehop,gap to front,gap ect, But its my way of riding its what i enjoy.

You who disagree with tgs are just idiots in my eyes, simply for the fact that all you do when you see a tgs video is moan about 'there werent enough lines', 'too many sidehops' You dont see the tgs riders going a posting on a natural or streety vid, 'Too many lines', 'not enough sidehops' 'your a streety fag'. If you dont like tgs, GET THE f**k OVER IT !

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You who disagree with tgs are just idiots in my eyes.

I think the main issue is not really with the riding itself (although, it does seem to have gone from TGS to just S...), it's a few things:

1) The concept held by many self proclaimed TGS riders that what they do is trials. As has been said, what you do is a small element of what trials should be. And I'm not talking linked street lines, spinny stuff or whatever. Trials at it's base is fannying round in the woods riding sections. In my eyes, trials street riding is a form of that which is far more accessible for people who don't live near any good natural. Street trials should always be, to some extent, the act of riding a kind of urban section. Simply sidehopping different sized walls all day long is not trials- it's practising a single move related to trials. Now before that arse Mike Winton comes in let me say that if that's what you enjoy doing, fair enough, but don't expect proper trials riders to accept it as a genre of riding because it really isn't. And secondly, I don't think of CLS, Damon, Tunni (edit: I'm gonna throw in Ben Travis there so he feels happy!!)etc as TGS riders since they ride interesting, novel lines and find new ways of riding obstacles.

2) It's the measuring of sidehops for 'fun'. I cringe whenever I see someone on a ride take out a tape measure. That's some sad shit right there.

3) And I guess also the 'sidehop scene', the cringeworthy 'tuckage thread' being the embodyment of what's wrong with the new school S riders. If I see one more picture of Danny Swindlehursts arse I'm gonna scream.

Finally, let me just say that I've been riding for over 10 years now. In some peoples eye's I should've given up years ago to give the S riders a chance to shine. However, I can still happily sidehop any trials bike around the 48" mark without tucking, backwheel 50" or so without a tap, but also, and here's the thing, hold my own at national level competitions and have a good stab at spinny 'circus bike' street riding, as some tossers like to put it. I'm a TGS rider, a circus freak and comp nerd all at once... but I enjoy all types of riding and don't get hung up on the latest s!d.

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spinny 'circus bike' street riding, as some tossers like to put it.

I find that a slightly strange way of insulting street riders. Surely "S" riders look more like circus freaks?

"Roll up, roll up! See the amazing rubber boy who can jump his bike up a huge wall! Look at him contort himself! The SidehopTuckBoy freak show!"

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i try.

confused me how there moaning about looking like circus freaks, when most of the street boys are rockin seats and relatively normaly looking bikes.

look at the f**king state of the boxx, or the ozonoy. to be honest i think you look like more of a cock riding of of those things.

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I think the main issue is not really with the riding itself (although, it does seem to have gone from TGS to just S...), it's a few things:

1) The concept held by many self proclaimed TGS riders that what they do is trials. As has been said, what you do is a small element of what trials should be. And I'm not talking linked street lines, spinny stuff or whatever. Trials at it's base is fannying round in the woods riding sections. In my eyes, trials street riding is a form of that which is far more accessible for people who don't live near any good natural. Street trials should always be, to some extent, the act of riding a kind of urban section. Simply sidehopping different sized walls all day long is not trials- it's practising a single move related to trials. Now before that arse Mike Winton comes in let me say that if that's what you enjoy doing, fair enough, but don't expect proper trials riders to accept it as a genre of riding because it really isn't. And secondly, I don't think of CLS, Damon, Tunni (edit: I'm gonna throw in Ben Travis there so he feels happy!!)etc as TGS riders since they ride interesting, novel lines and find new ways of riding obstacles.

2) It's the measuring of sidehops for 'fun'. I cringe whenever I see someone on a ride take out a tape measure. That's some sad shit right there. Damon watson does it cls does it tunni does it.

3) And I guess also the 'sidehop scene', the cringeworthy 'tuckage thread' being the embodyment of what's wrong with the new school S riders. If I see one more picture of Danny Swindlehursts arse I'm gonna scream.

Finally, let me just say that I've been riding for over 10 years now. In some peoples eye's I should've given up years ago to give the S riders a chance to shine. However, I can still happily sidehop any trials bike around the 48" mark without tucking, backwheel 50" or so without a tap, but also, and here's the thing, hold my own at national level competitions and have a good stab at spinny 'circus bike' street riding, as some tossers like to put it. I'm a TGS rider, a circus freak and comp nerd all at once... but I enjoy all types of riding and don't get hung up on the latest s!d.

Okay everything apart from what is in bold is right, But damon and tunni are excluded from being a tgs rider, WTF.

Tunni and Damon are as tgs as the rest of us, Especially damon. Okay he rode up a bike rack big f**king woop. Bet you wouldnt find one of them in the woods! Not dissing his riding becuase hes probably the best street rider out there atm oh sorry its called 'tgs' now because its not trials

Edited by Z o o !!
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I really don't understand any of you that try to push one another into their own style of riding. People do what they do clearly because they enjoy it, yet some of you would want people to lose that enjoyment just to subscribe to your "better" style of riding. Perhaps I should listen to the chap that once told me to play football instead of riding because football is "better"?

This is, again, one of those nonsensical discussions. "Blue is better", "no green!", "no blue!", etc..........

Edited by rowly
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To all the people that say they have a laugh riding TGS or just S, can you HONESTLY say to me that you go out for 3 hours, all you do is sidehops, and you come home saying "Yea, that was a good ride, I really enjoyed myself today". I dont think you do.

Ive been on rides watching people, and all they do are sidehops. If they cant make it, they get soooooo pissy, throw thier bike and go off in a sulk because they couldn't land 50" with maximum tuck. Ive never seen a so called "circus rider" do that.

At the end of the day, you ride how you want. I honestly couldn't give a crap if all you want to do it be the best at your so called 's ids', it's your life, but dont expect massive respect from others because you landed a "mint tuck". This is why we are the laughing stock of the cycling world.

Oh and whoever said that we are just old people who should have given up years ago, oh my god I'm going to bite my tongue here, and refrain from some kind of "your mamma" reply. You, my friend, need to open your eyes to the big wide world that lives just outside your bedroom window. All you have to do is open those curtains, and oh gosh look... theres actually more to life than sidehops!! Ive been riding for 10 years, maybe I should give up and take up knitting, because I cant 's id' 50" with my shorts round my ankles or do a monster drop gap thats going to destroy my rim at any given moment.

Edited by NBRCycles
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