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Do You Take High-risks?


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Why do you participate in high-risk sport?

What is it that makes some run from risk whilst others actively seek it?

These are fascinating questions I hope you'll agree. I am a PhD research student examining these very questions and I would like to know about YOUR EXPERIENCES as a participant of a high-risk sport.

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To find out more details and to share your experiences by completing the




Thank-you in advance,

Matt Barlow


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I did it

Are you trying to show that people that do high-risk sports are bums with no feelings. That only get happiness from adrenaline and taking risks


no,mnatts trying to find out why people do high risk sports. logicically - why do it? if you could die, there no real point in trying to "commit suicide" why not just do a normal sport instead?

dr matt will fin the answer!

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Seems like the test could be made a lot shorter by omitting stuff like having two questions, one of which is "It is clear to me which emotions I am experiencing" and "I feel it easy to identify my emotions"? I mean, that was just two examples, but there were quite a few others in there...

EDIT: In section 4 as well, there are 3 questions that have the same start of the question, but just use the words thrill/excitement/scare myself at the end instead? And the two questions that are "I enjoy the feeling of ___ flowing around inside of me" where it just changes "Adrenaline" for "chemicals"? IT just makes it a bit of a bitch to answer in a way, feels like a bit of a slog? I can see you might want to have similar questions like that so you can see if the answer remains the same, but it's a fanny to go through it constantly, especially when they're questions I doubt people think much about/care about?

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Filled it out, very tedious going :(...

Not sure if I'm a proper risk taker though... I ride trials as an exercise in precision that happens to be a bit risky rather than a response to a desperate need for adrenaline... Based on the risk of injury you should be chasing basketball players and not trials riders though...

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Interesting subject :rolleyes: but a lame way to find/determine a pattern in human behaviour for high-risk participation :sleeping:

Well that's not a very helpful reply. Clearly you're the expert in this field (and so many others), so don't be shy! Tell him how he can improve! Impart your wisdom!


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someone reffer me and split the 50 quid...

not sure what to put for hwo many times i ride enduro and trials as i do it when ever i can

would be better to have a drop down box saying once a week every day and things like that

Edited by txt2007
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That was rather long and I felt could have been shortened. Cross-referencing that many questions is going to be a BITCH. I found the last section a little difficult to do as well - it perhaps should have been saved until after I'd come back from a ride.

However, I did find it a little insightful and perhaps explains why I've been riding for so long and why I continue to do so. I know the points where I have stopped riding, it affected my life more than I thought it would...

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did it, but most of the questions for me are things ive never really thought about before so i didnt really know what to put

I get what you mean there man, weird haha.

I've just done it :)

Whats up with it asking for my name after every section?

Best of luck (Y)


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I gave up on section 2. It really did need me to think about it properly to get a decent outcome so i couldn't be bothered to carry on for a half hearted outcome. I also swear one question didn't even make sense. It did seem to me like it was a questionnaire for people who were coming/ trying to get off drugs. :S

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Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the questionnaire so far.

Everyone's replies to the thread are really interesting; it's great to hear people's thoughts.

A few people have been asking what the study is about...

I DO really want to respond to those questions RIGHT NOW but it would invalidate my results if someone first read about the objectives of the study and then completed the questionnaire.

Once data collection is finished I am happy to post details in this topic, if that is something that people would want? (If anyone is interested, and doesn’t want to wait for a few months, then I'm happy to send them info once they have completed the questionnaire)

“That took so Long!!!” “That was rather long and I felt could have been shortened” “Long questionnaire like” “very tedious going”


These are the sort of recurring comments that I feel obliged to respond to straight away (it will have no adverse effects on the results)

The reason I want to respond is that if you all are being good enough to fill it out then you should at least know why the item content of certain questions seems alike!!

I do admit that there may appear to be a relatively substantial amount of repetition (or near repetition) in the questions. One (of many) of the aims of this current study is to develop a new measure to differentiate between the experiences of high-risk sport participants across various sports.

Whilst each factor (before, during & after being the 3 factors) currently has 43 questions, that will be reduced down to 20(ish) in the finished scale.

The details of why we need to start with 40 odd to end up with 20 odd are very boring and include the method of “confirmatory factor analysis structural equation modelling” so lets just not go there!!

The important bit is at this stage the questionnaire is currently a royal pain to fill out, but one of the things you all are helping me with is the development of (hopefully) a valid and reliable questionnaire that WILL NOT BE a royal pain to fill out.

Thanks again



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