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Pete Wrights Amazing Tatto In Memory Of All The Riders And Family

sam D

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pete wright has just shown me this,

and i think it is very brave of him to have this tattoo, in memory of all the great riders and his family. so i thought i would show every one on here

pete has had a really hard time with his little bruv passing away plus his best friend now all these amazing riders.

soo well done pete

the pic was taken just after the tattoo was done updates soon .


Edited by sam D
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yes, he new them all very well .

Janson lived in Sweeden.....

Oli lived in Kent

DJ lived in Oxford

Beau lived further up North

f**king gash tatoo if you ask me, i mean yea fair play him paying his respects an that but if i had a tatoo done for everyone i mildly knew who died id just have a black body. I mean yea if my best friend died i might think about having a permanent reminder of them on my body... but "just some kid off TF" doesn't quite cut it

i dont mean to offend anyone but f**king come on

EDITED: DJ's not from where i thought he was

Edited by Simps
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Does it matter? I didn't know any of them but I still care that they're dead.

I didn't know any of them, but I too care that they're dead. But I'm not about to go and get their names tattooed on my neck. As Simps says, if a close friend or family member of mine died, then (if I wanted a tattoo) it might be something I'd consider. But I just ask myself why he'd do this. Perhaps he was good friends with them and I'm unaware - fair play - but I just don't get it otherwise. Where do you draw the line? For me, it'd be close friends and family, not anybody off a forum I'm on. I mean, I'm sure he has a long back, but seriously?!

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That is permanent, and if he comes on here and reads all of your comments slating it, if you have abuse don't write it other wise he's going to feel proper shit about it!

Good one mate (Y)

RIP guys.

Edited by Sonny Clarke
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That is permanent, and if he comes on here and reads all of your comments slating it, if you have abuse don't write it other wise he's going to feel proper shit about it!

Good one mate (Y)

RIP guys.

Well, if he can't handle some criticism he should have:

A. Asked for opinions on the idea first.

B. Not had it posted on a public forum.

C. Not had it done in the first place.

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That is permanent, and if he comes on here and reads all of your comments slating it, if you have abuse don't write it other wise he's going to feel proper shit about it!

WTF? So we're supposed to not voice our opinions in case he regrets the tattoo and starts to feel 'proper shit'?

FFS, what's wrong with people today? Take some f'cking responsibility! Having a tattoo is making a public display of some kind of art on your body. Any person with at least some grasp of reality decides whether it's the right think to do before making the commitment.

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You know we should all be worried now, if any of us regular users die we're gonna end up on the back of Petes neck. :ermm:

I agree with what's been said, unless he did in fact know each rider very well, then he's just been pretty stupid.

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