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Budget Square Taper Cranks

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I'm rebuilding my bike (DDG shooter) after a few years of it sitting idle. The drive train is worn out, and I've decided to go single speed. I just bought an 18 tooth ACS freewheel, and am after some cheap(ish) cranks with a 22t chain ring and a bash ring (length probably 170mm or 175mm - to replace 175mm STX-RC cranks with a home made bash ring). I've looked at the DDG and mission cranks on this website - what do you reckon? I've been out of the scene for a while so I'm not sure what to get.

Any help much appreciated.

Edited by greenmeansgo
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Personally i think that for the money your willing to pay, you may get better deal on this forum. seen as how your pre-member you can't use the for sale threads yet /:, but anyway,

wait till you get validated and search for some middleburns (Y) you can't really go wrong, maybe pick up a bb to go with them.

hope this helps out - james :)

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Thanks guys, that sounds like a good plan (except for the waiting :() £30-40 sounds like sensible money too.

It looks like the for sale threads work on a similar format to eBay - is that right?

Erm, sort of. People pay with paypal sometimes :)

Normally, the seller makes a topic, displays item, describes condition with picture and posts an asking price. People tend to haggle a bit, then they exchange money and addresses and bob is your fathers brother.

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Cool, thanks. Second hand Middleburns sound like the way to go.

But out of interest - does anyone have any experience with either of those cranks I linked to?

If i was you i would'nt go for either of those. Mission cranks are budget and will not last forever. As for the DDG's....i was told they are awesome cranks, so i bought a new set last week. After a week they have already rounded and are now offically f**ked. So i would not recommend them. Also they rub on my frame. Go for middleburns like everyone else said.

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Ok, thanks for the info.

Also they rub on my frame.
If you're having problems with this, you probably need to fit a BB with a longer axle (i.e. it's not down to the cranks themselves unless they're flexing a lot). Bear in mind that some cranks push onto the axle slightly more than others, so you might have to play around and fit a couple before you get the right size. Edited by greenmeansgo
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