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Must say, i agree with Gav, he's the only one here that's ACTUALLY ridden and owned (afaik) a Banshee of any sorts. Everyone slates them because Halfords sell them, but i had a proper good blat up and down outside the shop on an XXX, and it was f**king mint! I don't think it's quite up to hardcore freeride, as it's kinda a very very heavy duty XC bike (large frame suggests). The only thing the Kona Stinky has on the XXX is the rear shock isn't quite as good as the Stinky's...

Fer real, the Banshee range rides really nice. Probably isn't the best way to tell if a bike rides nice, but to me, if it wheelies well it's got a nice geo. The XXX, i literally wheelied for about 100m, stopped pedaling, just sat on the back wheel with a tiny bit of brake feathering. Feels so good.

I'm currently trying to make up my mind between the XXX (around 500 quid on trade to me) and the Stinky (780 quid on trade)

Banshee, at least the normal one, has lockout on both sus's too so it'll be fine for going up hills...

Glad you brought them up Gav.

Edited by Fat Pants™
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Yeah but Stinkys are f**king horrible to go up hills on. And the Banshee is exactly the same suspension design so I don't think it's going to be magically any better. I suppose it might have different geometry but I still wouldn't buy one.

  Fat Pants™ said:
Banshee, at least the normal one, has lockout on both sus's too so it'll be fine for going up hills...

Er, no. It'll still be complete toss.

Get a Giant Reign I reckon. They look nice, and they go up hills too.

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Stinkys are horrible full stop. They feel far to sluggish up or downhill. Also the fact that there completly shite for the money you spend on them. Never ridden a banshee but they do look fairly similiar to the kona colier . The main thing you want on a all mountin full suspension bike is a rear lockout, in my opinion that the only thing that lets my kona colier down

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  Fat Pants™ said:
Must say, i agree with Gav, he's the only one here that's ACTUALLY ridden and owned (afaik) a Banshee of any sorts. Everyone slates them because Halfords sell them, but i had a proper good blat up and down outside the shop on an XXX, and it was f**king mint! I don't think it's quite up to hardcore freeride, as it's kinda a very very heavy duty XC bike (large frame suggests). The only thing the Kona Stinky has on the XXX is the rear shock isn't quite as good as the Stinky's...

Fer real, the Banshee range rides really nice. Probably isn't the best way to tell if a bike rides nice, but to me, if it wheelies well it's got a nice geo. The XXX, i literally wheelied for about 100m, stopped pedaling, just sat on the back wheel with a tiny bit of brake feathering. Feels so good.

I'm currently trying to make up my mind between the XXX (around 500 quid on trade to me) and the Stinky (780 quid on trade)

Banshee, at least the normal one, has lockout on both sus's too so it'll be fine for going up hills...

Glad you brought them up Gav.

You penis, you cant compare a stinky and the xxx, ones a hardcore FR bike that weighs a ton, the others for AM/XC/light FR..

  Tomm said:
Yeah but Stinkys are f**king horrible to go up hills on. And the Banshee is exactly the same suspension design so I don't think it's going to be magically any better. I suppose it might have different geometry but I still wouldn't buy one.

Er, no. It'll still be complete toss.

Get a Giant Reign I reckon. They look nice, and they go up hills too.

Yea, I REALLY REALLY want a reign, they look the mutts nuts aswell, but there really expensive, gotta be honest Im thinking il go the hartail route to start with, I doubt Il really need the sus to start with, can always upgrade later. Plus I hear that its better to start off on a HT better bike control and stuff.

Im going with the on one, you get a handmade english frame for under 100quid! and from what Iv read there really nice to ride, and it means I dont have to skimp on the rest of the spec (pikes, shimano, race face being my main planned brands)

Now I have another question, there are basically 2 versions of the on one frame I want, both exactly the same one is the summer season, the other is the standard inbred, the only difference between the two is a slacker Headangle and the price (wierdly)

Basically the standard 456 inbred has a 69.5 degree head angle with a 4" fork I belive, Il be running a pike, so thatl mean on the 95mm setting itl be slightly better for climbing, then the pikes will go to 140mm for decending, supposedly slackening the headangle to about 68 degrees ish for decending.

However the summer season has 66.6 degree headangle with a 5" fork, so with the pike on 140mm itl be about 66degrees ish (pretty shitting slack) and then with the fork at 95mm itl be more like 67.8-ish.

I wana know which will be the best compromise for going up and down.

O and the standard 456 is 40quid more than the summer season...

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  Tom_ said:
You penis, you cant compare a stinky and the xxx, ones a hardcore FR bike that weighs a ton, the others for AM/XC/light FR

Yeah i can, i can't decide if i want a bike that's full on hardcore, or a bit lighter that's not quite so full on...

Banshees are quite heavy btw.

Gonna go to a mates Evans tomorrow and give a Stinky a twirl.

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I said they're great for lift-accessed terrain. They're f**king horrible to ride on anything resembling an uphill section (or even on the flat for that matter). Think of it as a mini-DH bike. If I was going to get a bike for using in the UK, I'd get something that's at least a bit capable of riding uphills, but that's me. I've grown quite fond of uphill bits in my old age :giggle:

And yeah, an SX trail is another bike I'd definitely consider, but they tend to be expensive. Frames can go for £550 second hand (saw one on SDH today). A second hand Giant Reign frame isn't too expensive, they go for about £250 (my housemate is trying to find the right one at the moment).

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  Fat Pants™ said:
.....I'm currently trying to make up my mind between the XXX (around 500 quid on trade to me) and the Stinky (780 quid on trade).....

Do you work at a bike-hut store then? Only way I'm aware of getting trade of halfords bikes.

  Tomm said:
Yeah but Stinkys are f**king horrible to go up hills on. And the Banshee is exactly the same suspension design so I don't think it's going to be magically any better. I suppose it might have different geometry but I still wouldn't buy one.


While they look similar they actually work completely differently, The stinky is basically just a single pivot with a linkage actuated shock, with a particularly low pivot point (other wise known as wank for the UK), The Banshee uses a genuine 4 bar linkage system licensed off specialized which allows for a variable axle path, and allowing the designer to manipulate chain grown throughout the suspension stroke (other wise known as half decent)

Another bike well worth considering is the GT XCR5 from halfords, I-drive is awesome, well proven and easy to home service, and I dare you to find a better specked full sus bike for under £900

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  Fat Pants™ said:
Yep, 246, newest/flagship BikeHut store...

With some sweet riding spots right outside it?

  Fat Pants™ said:
i had a proper good blat up and down outside the shop on an XXX, and it was f**king mint!


If you're just getting into it, like you said, a hardtail might be what you're after. I never got on with full sus bikes, and always found hardtails to be a hell of a lot more fun to ride, to the extent where I was thinking of doing the Dragon Downhills in the hardtail category. But yeah, definitely worth a look in, especially seeing as you know you're always getting more bike for your money simply 'cos less of the spec-fund is going on a load of fancy tubes 'n' shocks.

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  RobinJI said:
While they look similar they actually work completely differently, The stinky is basically just a single pivot with a linkage actuated shock, with a particularly low pivot point (other wise known as wank for the UK), The Banshee uses a genuine 4 bar linkage system licensed off specialized which allows for a variable axle path

Ah fair enough, didn't realise the Banshees were 4 bars. That probably improves things. Single pivots aren't necessarily bad though - all Commençals are single pivot with linkage-actuated shock (Gee Atherton's supreme DH is the current DH world champ), and plenty of other bikes use straight single pivots (Orange, Morewood). All those bikes are fine to ride both uphill and down. I'm still very unconvinced that the Carrera would be nice to ride. It does look like very good value though.

Fact fans: Apparently the Spesh patent only applies in the US, so any European company is allowed to use a Horst link as long as they don't get sold in the US.

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  Tomm said:
Fact fans: Apparently the Spesh patent only applies in the US, so any European company is allowed to use a Horst link as long as they don't get sold in the US.

Hehe, the trade price is in USD. Weird.

Banshee does ride nice though.

Ok ok, from the quick, road based, up and down kerb, wheelie, manual, bunnyhop, and whatever else you can do on a bike on a road, it felt good.

Edited by Fat Pants™
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  Tomm said:
Fact fans: Apparently the Spesh patent only applies in the US, so any European company is allowed to use a Horst link as long as they don't get sold in the US.

This is true, which is why Scott couldn't sell one of there bikes in the US, it copied the Specialized link design. Prob missed out on a few sales due to that.

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  Max Quinn said:
Wheelies are shit :(


Its all about manuals!

You can sort-of get a feel of certain aspects of a bike's geometry from a road blast, like how it pulls up and how it corners, but for a DH/FR/AM bike, you're only going to know if it's good at its job if you try it at it.

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