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New Trialtech Fork

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24inch Prototypes have been made for the trialtech team, and will be sold later on after testing.

Can someone clarify my doubts.

Does the 24'' fork means it's only for 24'' wheels, and can't be used with 26'' wheels,

or it's just a normal fork but has maggie mounts lowered for 24'' wheels?

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Bottled it on a forum LOL

Your into fag bikes and whatever that random spinny circus shit you do is, fair enough, thats what you like to do...

Personally im into TGS riding and improving my riding by going bigger, doent mean im not smooth, doesnt mean i CANT do other diciplines of riding, its just what i find more fun, afterall thats the reason we all ride trials.

Dont call me a twat for having an oppinion.

No, sorry mate. You're definitely a twat. And with views like that, probably American too.

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Light bikes and "Lines" are uncool, thats what makes the rest of the mountainbike world see trials as shitttt.

TGS started to make trials cool, proper riders like Damon Watson, Neil Tunnicliffe, Danny Swindlehurst made trials look decent.

Fag bikes and circus riding is only taking trials backwards, thats how i see it anyway.

Cool forks yeahh, 24 inch ones would be cool for SEAAATGRABS AND BARSPINNZZ

Videos full of sidehop clips that get cut so you don't see they're just on-off, or gaps that blatantly weren't held to back wheel, or just doing the same generic shit that everyone else does really do make trials look progressive and innovative. That's not even touching on the Danny Swindlehurst 'arse baby' video too :P From all people's complaints about trials, it always seems that people still think all trials riders are still wearing lycra and doing comp shit. Everyone who complains about it usually drops at least one reference to lycra anyway, which would suggest they're maybe not that up to date with what's going on in trials. But either way, who gives a f**k what people think about trials, or whether it 'looks decent'? Most of the new trials frames out look like total shit anyway, the bikes themselves look rancid compared to a lot of other bikes, and when you see people riding from spot to spot it's pure comedy. There's no way it's ever going to be 'cool', but it doesn't really need to be. The fact if you're doing TGS it's purely based on measuring whatever you're riding on so you can tell people "i tapd 36" today" shows it's even less 'cool' than street riding, simply because so many people get so anoraky about it...

Being smooth isnt a skill its a style, loads of riders LOVE the fact that they ride harsh, makes for a more violent style.

smooth riding makes for a more relaxed style...

In no way is this a negative comment, but take Rich Pearsons style for instance is really violent but IMO thats what makes him one of my favourite stock riders.

and compared to someone like stan shaw another of my favourite stock riders, being smooth or a harsh rider i think is more a style than a skill.

No, it takes skill to be smooth. If someone like Stan Shaw or Hermance or whoever is able to do a ridiculous tap/gap/sidehop, but land it nicely, that takes skill. Doing a 50" tap and landing it smoothly and doing a 50" tap and landing it like a sack of shit doesn't show two riders of equal skill, does it? If one of them is able to do something well, then that's obviously better than someone doing it badly? It seems the reason that most TGS riders are harsh as f**k is that apparently bike control doesn't matter to some people, hence a shitload of rocking to balance before kicking up onto the back wheel, loads of correction hops, then just battering their bike up (Whilst of course trying to stick their arse out as much as possible to get the most 'tuck' on their so their friends will congratulate them on their sweet "sid") onto the wall however they can.

If that was a bit too close to the bone for some of you feel free to take this opportunity to cry at me. Other sources for whining about it can also include the facts that I ride BMX now, that I live in London, that I used to ride mod, I also wear glasses, etc. Have fun (Y)

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Can someone clarify my doubts.

Does the 24'' fork means it's only for 24'' wheels, and can't be used with 26'' wheels,

or it's just a normal fork but has maggie mounts lowered for 24'' wheels?

Im pritty sure the inspired frame was design around a 26inch forks proberly around 400mm leg lenght something like control forks. So im asumeing that may be it will be a case of forks that will fit both 26/24 wheels but the mounts will be at 24inch.

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*jumps on my T-comp and rides into the sunset*


Everything I could have said has been said by Mark or Luke.

For a start, i ride a GU stock.

People are entitled to an opinion, i like TGS riding so f**k :S i can ride TGS smooth so whats the problem :S

saying JUST because someone rides a deng spec and has a squeaky brake does not mean they will be shit and harsh as f**k.


it was the OLD t-comp that lasted about 3 weeks, for some reason im on my old account.

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Videos full of sidehop clips that get cut so you don't see they're just on-off, or gaps that blatantly weren't held to back wheel, or just doing the same generic shit that everyone else does really do make trials look progressive and innovative. That's not even touching on the Danny Swindlehurst 'arse baby' video too :P From all people's complaints about trials, it always seems that people still think all trials riders are still wearing lycra and doing comp shit. Everyone who complains about it usually drops at least one reference to lycra anyway, which would suggest they're maybe not that up to date with what's going on in trials. But either way, who gives a f**k what people think about trials, or whether it 'looks decent'? Most of the new trials frames out look like total shit anyway, the bikes themselves look rancid compared to a lot of other bikes, and when you see people riding from spot to spot it's pure comedy. There's no way it's ever going to be 'cool', but it doesn't really need to be. The fact if you're doing TGS it's purely based on measuring whatever you're riding on so you can tell people "i tapd 36" today" shows it's even less 'cool' than street riding, simply because so many people get so anoraky about it...

No, it takes skill to be smooth. If someone like Stan Shaw or Hermance or whoever is able to do a ridiculous tap/gap/sidehop, but land it nicely, that takes skill. Doing a 50" tap and landing it smoothly and doing a 50" tap and landing it like a sack of shit doesn't show two riders of equal skill, does it? If one of them is able to do something well, then that's obviously better than someone doing it badly? It seems the reason that most TGS riders are harsh as f**k is that apparently bike control doesn't matter to some people, hence a shitload of rocking to balance before kicking up onto the back wheel, loads of correction hops, then just battering their bike up (Whilst of course trying to stick their arse out as much as possible to get the most 'tuck' on their so their friends will congratulate them on their sweet "sid") onto the wall however they can.

If that was a bit too close to the bone for some of you feel free to take this opportunity to cry at me. Other sources for whining about it can also include the facts that I ride BMX now, that I live in London, that I used to ride mod, I also wear glasses, etc. Have fun (Y)

If your reffering to my video, the riding was shit because for starters my bb had no bearings in, for seconds that gap i DIDNT hold to back wheel but have now done to front and back wheel, is 9 foot 1 across :)

i NEVER do on off sidehops :S

and who would bother tapping 36 as you say

Im not even going to argue, im entitled to an opinion, dont like it f**k off.

Edited by t-comp-mike
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I've never seen a video by you.

Irony of your last point: Noted.

Haha :$

f**k it be reeeet, i dont even know what im arguing for now.

just was trying to get my point across for matt smith, he likes his TGS riding and is good it so its up to him how he rides along with every other rider on here.

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People are entitled to an opinion, i like TGS riding so f**k :S i can ride TGS smooth so whats the problem :S

You said:

Being smooth isnt a skill its a style

I said:

No, it takes skill to be smooth. If someone like Stan Shaw or Hermance or whoever is able to do a ridiculous tap/gap/sidehop, but land it nicely, that takes skill. Doing a 50" tap and landing it smoothly and doing a 50" tap and landing it like a sack of shit doesn't show two riders of equal skill, does it? If one of them is able to do something well, then that's obviously better than someone doing it badly?

If you're breaking parts like there's no tomorrow, and denting rims and the like, yet there are people who can do it smooth, it'd be apparent they had more skill, if you get me? When I say "you're breaking parts", I don't mean you literally.

The irony bit was just relating to "im entitled to an opinion, dont like it f**k off", in that I was just expressing mine :P

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You said:

I said:

If you're breaking parts like there's no tomorrow, and denting rims and the like, yet there are people who can do it smooth, it'd be apparent they had more skill, if you get me? When I say "you're breaking parts", I don't mean you literally.

The irony bit was just relating to "im entitled to an opinion, dont like it f**k off", in that I was just expressing mine :P

Fair enough, i do know what you mean, you get really shit riders throwing themselves off the highest roof gap to pallet and jumping off the bike as soon as they land.

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It was more from seeing people "In Real Life" having seen videos of them on here where they seemed to be really good, but then you see them actually ride and they're well inconsistent, and don't really have much control. Naming no names obviously, haha.

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Are you refering to me?

If so i doubt you would kill my bike in a matter of days, you have to remember that i am just over 19st, so even if i am smooth the bike still has to cope with alot of weight landing on it!

Like someone has said previously, i have a light bike but i have not skimped on the components.

But back to the Trialtech forks, i think they look awsome, the disc mount looks much improved over the atomz one, and hopefully with the modification that has been made to the steerer they will not crack like my atomz ones did (before anything says "oh you cracked them" they lasted me over 8 months which is longer than any set of the recent deng forks have lasted me)


no i wasnt lol, was on about tarty adam, but yeh...

im not even fussed about obm, couldnt be arsed reading his replys so meh, ill ride how i want to ride, i havent snapped my zoo forks so i see no problem, send me some trial techs and ill run them, cos forks are forks to me, couldnt give 2 shits if they were lighter.


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Surely if you didn't want to waste your highly valuable time reading my post it'd also make sense to not waste your valuable time by either replying to shit I already explained, or shit I didn't even talk about? But yeah, nice one either way.

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They have less tyre clearance so it reduces the number of front tyres that can be used (work great on 24" though!).
It should at least have maximum 2.3in clearance for those that want slightly more front end grip. how is the steerer tube joined to the crown, bonded, welded, or something totally different?

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